Monday, February 11, 2019

Not feeling well kinda day

While perusing the internet over coffee S read that this  is the longest cold snap in our area in the last 21 years, brrr. I awoke with a headache, grrr. I do have a massage at 11 so loaded up the stool and was off to town before then leaving S to catch up on his internet perusing.

While I was gone he did take a loop with the metal detector and loaded up the sorted recyclables. My massage was good but it triggered some bad side effects. I left feeling nauseous so quickly got the lady her stool (she was waiting for me in truck right beside my car) then tossed a letter in the mail and drove thru a deposit at the bank. It was then to the ranch but as I got closer the nausea increased along with tingling and lightheaded. Luckily I made it to our lane before being sick and once parked in the garage I headed straight to my room past S watching the noon news in big brown.

I was tickled to see the sweet little teal table my massage gal won years ago in one of my giveaways on display in her massage room. It looks so sweet in there. I also snapped a quick pick of the brick wallpaper she used on a wall for Shaina who loves brick walls.

I brief rest helped a bit with water and migraine pills delivered by the prince. I could not lay there though with such a sunny day out so got up and worked on marketing. I listed the new blue dresser on most sale sites, fingers crossed. S donned his warm clothes and hooked his truck up to fuel trailer mid afternoon before coming back in then headed out for another stretch of my lost earring track after 5 for a short stint. I tried a new beeswax product on wooden spoons, wooden salad tongs and S's little pig cutting board. It worked well.

No luck with the earring, think may have to try our luck in spring again. I got supper in the oven while S lit a fire. It did hit -17 as a high but dropping again. I finally am starting to feel better, yeah.

I enjoyed a nice soak in a hot tub and then curled up in bed with Shameless while S watched hockey. Life is good … without a headache!   :)

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