Saturday, February 2, 2019

Desk 98% finished

The cold 17 held solid thru the night, this am it is the same slight foggy cold view. Time for a couple hot cappuccinos to warm me up and get me motivated. I checked my emails quick then was off to the garage.

Sharon's desk got another coat of white. I donned my coveralls and headed out to check the horses as the blustery wind blew so cold. I filled 2 shelters with salt/minerals and checked 3 girls who were in closest shelter.

 After running to the barn for oats they were all off to the hay but came running when I banged the bucket. They were all very pleased to have some tummy warming oats, I even ran back and grabbed another bucket full to spread on the other side of shelter.

Lola was now forced to stay in although she really thought she need out. I sanded the desk and distressed the edges then put a coat of stain oil on the top. The bread box had the inside back wall painted my favorite fun blue.

I hate to waste anything so used the oil left on the paper towel on the drawer runners to make them slide smoothly

the horses cleaned every speck of oats up 

Not being able to sand as the stain is drying I moved on to a new project; 2 end tables. I plan to do them in a new Fusion product, a black gel stain so first step was to tighten the legs and remove felt pads, scrape of any bits and vacuum.

Lunch break, thank goodness for the jumbo bologna pack, it has gotten me thru the week as lunch and the occasional supper. I did bring in the 2nd last burger pack to make something for supper. A bit of blog writing then back to the garage. Hardware was put on and after putting drawers in I remembered they fit at a weird angle. I figures out if I moved the holder on back side it would fit flush, it was off by over 1/2". Once solved I woman handled it strategically off the table to the floor without any issues.. whew!

look how far off they were from level 

 and fixed

The end tables were scrubbed up and the new not yet released Fusion product painted on. I am not too sure about this one as it is oil based and smelly and quite sticky to apply. The first coat was very translucent as the can advised.

I closed up shop at 6 to come in and make my hamburger soup on this frigid now -20 day. As it simmered I watched Riverdale and did some marketing. After a bowl of soup I had a soak in the tub catching the last episode of Extreme Houses in the season. Moving on to Fuller House which continued as I wrote a blog post for the last bread box. I got a message saying the young gal (past 4H member) who was going to buy the table on Monday was given one by her uncle and the gal who was getting the candlesticks today is sick and will plan for later... darn the luck.

best hamburger soup ever!!

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