Friday, February 1, 2019

Cold snap moves in

It was foggy when I awoke at 7, why 7? Oh well I got many more Spanish lessons finished then on  to plan more purges. The fog was light and sort of crystalized with a bit of snow cover and cold at -13 but continually going down. The thermometer said it was -3 in the night. A tasty cappuccino or two got me motivated. I have a customer coming at noon to look at the planked table, finally. As I always works best under pressure this had me putting away all the thrift store bags in laundry room, stacking the Tupperware and other option off the table for the girls in there too. Dishes were washed along with all counters and dusting. I want the house to present its best side ;) that and I love a tidy house! And Mom is coming tonight to enjoy it too.

A new scentsy bar was added and the table had items in front all moved to be seen well. However at noon the gal messaged she was stuck at work, wants it and will come Monday with cash ;) OK I had packaged up the candlesticks to take to a customer in Chestermere tomorrow so swapped the Etsy ad for some blue pillows. I posted them on Varagsale too and in half an hour they were sold and an EMT sent. They will go along with a cookbook sold to another lady in Airdrie and be picked up at my lovely B's abode. I now had to change the Etsy add to the grey candlestick, lets hope it sells too.

Now that all is tidy and smelling lovely I best get out to start painting Sharon's desk. It is a chilly 15 in the garage but way warmer then the horses and Lola have to deal with. The top was stained/oiled which required trying a few colors on the edge which is a different wood then the top. Will see when a few coats are on. Now to paint the base; I managed to woman handle it up on the paint table. This is why I don't need the gym :) Once up I put a coat on the entire base and the drawer fronts.

While it dried I came in to have a snack and update folks that I was not going to the Vet seminar tomorrow. Mom had a brake line snap on her truck, good thing TJ found before she set out and Britt got called in to 3 surgeries so far for tonight. I had to let the 3 ladies waiting for pieces that I was not going.

Back out to the garage I put a second coat of paint on the desk after sanding and distressing lightly. The bread box got scrubbed up while it dried. I made Lola come in seeing it was soooo cold -17 and going to get worse. The poor horses, good thing they have a hay buffet to help them stay warm.

Back inside I set about writing a better Creative Moments newsletter, watch for it in your email and let me know you got it! It took a couple hours to get it all set up, hope it is worthy. Then it was tweaking FB again as links are not always as they seem, THANKS to AJ for all her help troubleshooting with me all the time.

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