Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Off to visit Roo

Thanks to another pain in the butt scam call at 6 am I was up before 8 for the day. The sun shone bright again but chilly -23. I enjoyed a cappuccino in bed before getting motivated; quick marketing then out to add ultra grip to the oval table top.

Next order was to create more faux tiles seeing I am sold out. I did all 4 the same grey embossing paste and stencil. Having a bit left over I added it to the table edge too just as an experiment.

After cleaning up I had lunch, loaded up boxes of household and bags of clothes to donate to lady who collects for the Mustard Seed, grabbed my farrier tools, supplements & pool noodle for Roo and was off after 12.

Before dropping off the Mustard Seed donations I grabbed a chai tea for the road. B was at the clinic trying to wear some energy on stall bound Roo. After her eye was medicated we set about trimming her feet over the next hour. Breaks were needed in the round pen to work more pent up energy as well as many stopping to visit us.

Finishing up at 3, I set off for a quick return at Costco. This turned into an hour wander at a leisurely pace as the store was not crowded so why not. I even managed to find a new rug I hope works.

After finishing the last of the prime rib it was time for a soak in the tub then catch up on Grey's Anatomy in my comfy bed. The sunset was amazing again and so exciting to see it light after 6 pm. Spring is getting closer.

Hard to get a good picture due to glass reflection but here is a lovely water color Britt did for me XOXO

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