Wednesday, February 13, 2019

booked in

So S set his alarm for 5:45 to check us in to our flight but needed more data so I was up too. We eventually got checked in and had seats 10 rows apart so settled for ones together at the back of the plane. Then of course I could not get back to sleep but what made it worse was a dam scam phone call at 7:10 am..GRRRR.

I did find the blue jewelry box has a lady wanting it so that was good. I made coffee and served the sleepy prince in bed. I did have to roust him if he was coming to town with me for my 10 am appointment. He did get motivated and we were off with him dropping me at the appointment. It took about twice as long as I thought it would but he managed to get some errands done and picked me back up before 1.

Back home we had lunch then he hit big brown for a nap. It was now really sunny out and about -16. I started to finally pack my bag but decided that this sunny "warmer" weather meant the horse blankets should come off. All were happy to get them off except Roo required a bit of time to catch to get hers off. The did their busking sand storm in the arena before standing in the sun watching Sheldon who was now out and getting the merc started up. Seems the battery is not holding a charge so it was hooked to a charger while he filled the skid steer.

They are all inside bucking and rolling then back out to watch me fold them all up and put away

It warmed up while we packed out bags... finally. He then rolled out a bale and plowed the road while I did last minute things like setting out of office etc. I was very happy to have sale #30 on Etsy roll in just as we were enjoying a cold beer. I got it all boxed up and the label printed and ready to go, I hope one of the girls will drop off at a post office for me.

these are Sheldon's photos from the last week he sent me

most of the time they are in the garage but when I sent them out yesterday they were right under the light

Last minute packing and prepping before getting a late supper on. Britt and Dave are joining us for supper @ 7:30 as she needs to pick up her ipad for her Vegas conference this weekend. Shaina will join us after her boot camp ends at 9. She pulled in as B and D were leaving just after 9. We visited with S while she ate and loaded her up with more goodies before she was off for the city before 11.

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