Tuesday, December 31, 2019

New Decade Eve

Today we enjoyed the last coffee in bed of 2019, tomorrow is a new decade, WOW! I got to work on the blog, accounting, laundry and marketing while S relaxed and spent the day watching the junior hockey games.

At 2:30 it was PLUS 3 outside, S went to fill the skid steer with fuel and I followed him giving Pep and Daisy their pills and Bandit an apple just cause he is so sweet. Daisy was fitted up with a blanket and released into the melting snow paddock. S backed the truck and trailer in their spot and I cleaned out the poop which he ran to the pit. It was so nice out temperature wise, if the sun shone it would be the perfect NYE day but we will take what we got.

Naptime for the prince now as I sanded the silverware chest and continued to work on blog tutorials before getting ready for our evening out. For our last supper of 2019 we had an amazing barbecued steak (weather perfect) with baked potato and corn, amazing! The egg lady delivered a couple dozen while we were finishing up, great service right?

 Snapchat filter fun

Britt dropped Cooper off after 6:30 then she was off to Edmonton to spend New Years with Dave. Cooper got to play with Lola for half an hour as I finished the bean dip. Once he was in and the goodies loaded, we were off to Stouts for our evening of celebrating at 7:30.

Chanel snuggles

In usual Sharon style there was lots of food to be eaten as 4 couples caught up. Lots of laughs and memories were shared before ringing in the new decade and heading home just after 2. Sheldon unwisely let Cooper out and then went to bed leaving me to wait up for him. I watched an episode of You before getting him back in at 3:30. The year is starting out with not much sleep ;)

HAPPY new decade friends!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Chair sale & Horse Chiro Monday #2

I made a cappuccino while I did marketing work. Prince made his coffee once he woke and kicked back in bed with it eventually moving to the island to watch the junior hockey game. I worked on taking down Christmas and tidying with a break for a customer to stop and pick up the green chair just after 11.

By noon it was all down inside and neatly put away in the furnace room. Once the game ended and having had a hot turkey sandwich S went out at 2 to give horses pills who were in for water and haul the tree, angel and other deck decorations back to the mezzanine. Then it was inside for a nap in big brown.

Shaina was not up until after lunch having a headache affecting her day. She tried a shower and a cappuccino and then a nap on the couch to rid it but no real luck. She has training today and then off to stay at Drumheller with Kaylin tonight to do wedding makeup for Lynda's wedding tomorrow.

Floors vacuumed and house tidy ready for 2020. Isn't that crazy how fast time flies? I remember the whole new millennium chaos which is now 20 years ago. Time for a whole new decade. Do you have any goals or resolutions for the new year?

Updating the sale sites to the chair sale and chatting back and forth with a potential buyer for the 4 poster bedframe from Edmonton was my next task along with boring laundry. Shaina had cancelled for 3 o'clock but was off to train Sharon and the rest of her day at 4. Not long after we unloaded the black TV cabinet out of the horse trailer into the barn and I put in new shavings. It was another day around zero degrees.

S made supper; chicken wings and his go to side dishes, KD and frozen peas. Thanks, anything I don't have to cook is a bonus ;)

At 6 we were off catching 4 horses at the far gates; Bird, Roo, Switch and Miss Daisy. Seeing everything went really fast to catch there was time to swing by the grocery store for a gallon of milk and we were still early to the chiropractor arriving by 6:45. I had them all unloaded and Switch being checked out first (no real issues, yeah) when Britt arrived from work grabbing Cooper on her way by.

not sure what my camera was doing in the cold 

Cooper was adjusted and given a new stretch exercise then popped back in the car to wait out the horses adjustments. Bird and Roo had things to work out and Daisy was like Switch, no real issues but we did chat about her skin issues. He feels it might be sugar intolerance as he has seen quite a few this year. We are going to try some unusual treatments by blanketing her and adding some high fat to her diet to trick her brain. By 9 we had them loaded and headed back to the ranch where they were released back into the herd.

Shaina was back from her work day, cleaned up the left over chicken wings and packed up to meet Kaylin in town. They are off to do makeup for Lynda W's wedding tomorrow staying in Drumheller night. Amanda is a bridesmaid too so will be a fun day. S and I caught up on 3 episodes of Vikings before calling it a day. Of course I had to watch an episode of You in bed before shutting my light off.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Festive Sunday

Coffee and a yummy brunch started our Sunday. Candace popped over to join then Darren and Brendan as well for brunch. Uncle Jim & Auntie Sharon stopped by too for brunch.  Auntie Colleen and Uncle Elton  stopped by mid afternoon as we were playing cards for a quick visit then home for their happy hour nap ;)
photo by Candace ;)

Grama made a delicious supper of roast beef and all the fixings. Riley and Reese. We played more canasta and cards before packing up and heading for home just after 7. THANKS so much for the great weekend of food, fun and family Kuhns!!

We pulled into the ranch after 9, unloaded quick, B started her car and when warm she and Cooper were off to the condo. Shaina to her room and Sheldon to the TV room to watch the last period of the hockey game. I hit the shower and what is better then a nice warm shower? why crawling into fresh linens!! I also tried out the weighted blanket I received (well actually Shaina's open one) for Xmas from Kaylin and Britt. So cozy to watch an episode of season two of You.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Kuhn Christmas

What a lazy morning for some ;) After our traditional coffee in bed at 9 I got busy working on the last 4 days of blog posts along with marketing and tutorials while S relaxed in bed catching up on the internet and watching the junior hockey game.

Dressed by noon it was time to have a bowl of the last of the turkey soup. Then the hockey game continued as did big brown time. I finally finished the dining table top tutorial and got it posted by 2:30, whew.

B and Cooper arrived at 2:45 followed closely behind by Shaina. Bags were quickly loaded, horses given their pills (thanks B) and we were eastward bound just after 3. A not so quick stop at Tim's in Brooks with us arriving at Grama and Papa's after 5 for an evening of visiting, games and great food.

Reese got this crazy elastic sand that entertained everyone

How long would it stretch?? see Reese behind the stairs?

The only two missing were Kaylin (who stayed home sick) and Brooke (with her boyfriend). Chinese food was a great change up in the holiday fare. Jenga and cards kept all busy. A rousting smear tournament ensued till about 2 am after the local families were off to their homes after 11. Another great night of family, food and fun.

record was 33 levels

Friday, December 27, 2019

Date night

After our relaxing coffee in bed we got on with the day making it a clean up day before date night tonight. S told me to keep tonight free, what could it be.. a hockey game I bet.

the table customer sent photos which were lovely for the blog and to share as did the growth ruler customer who added vinyl names

After a bit of marketing it was time to pull out the vacuum. S took the folding tables & chairs down as I vacuumed including the couch all over. We shrunk the table too. S scrubbed pots while I took the mantle down leaving the tree for now.

I ran out seeing the horses were at the shelter before lunch and gave pills. It was a nice sunny -2 that was still warming. By 1 it was zero by1 as we ate leftover turkey for lunch. B's chair, valet and a few other items were loaded along with the trash and returns and we headed to town by 3.

Wouldn't you know it the dump was closed!! Thank goodness we were stopping at B's to let Cooper out and use her trash bin space. The car was fueled up for our city trip, farm fuel documents dropped, hot chai's picked up and a return of the borrowed immersion blender at Amanda's before we set off west. I hoped to put her parcel to be delivered inside but it seems they were behind schedule. Britt did so much later in the evening though seeing they are not home til next week.

Our first stop was to exchange the Fitbit for a pretty petal pink versa 2 version then a stop to return the wireless ear buds that do not work for my ears. While at that mall S found a watch battery dude to get his Fossil back in action. The next stop and first one on the surprise date was Open Range for supper. If you have not been, you might want to. The food here is amazing.

Sheldon was very sneaky as I thought it was a hockey game (he even packed the hockey jerseys as decoys) but after a few turns not in the direction of the Saddledome it was revealed we were indeed going to the Jubilee to see We Will Rock You musical. SURPRISE!

It was a good show. And created here in Calgary with 30/36 actors from Alberta. Pretty cool stats. We were on the road back to the ranch by 11. Of course once home I had to charge up my new Fitbit while S caught the highlights of the Flames win over Oilers. Then I watched a bit of Netflix. Pretty good date night, Thanks S! XOXO

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Boxing Day

A usual coffee in bed start to the day, this one being boxing day. S started a fire and we relaxed in front of it chatting up the holiday season so far. Shaina and Jacob surfaced before lunch with her making up the last of the crepe dough. I put the turkey bones on to simmer for soup.

We played games with Brittany coming out to join us. She also filled the salt/mineral tub in the shelter and gave horse pills before heading back to town with Lexi. At 3:30 Shaina, Jacob, S and I went over to Gosling’s for their Boxing Day party for an hour. The young ones were going to go to the gym following this and then pick up Lexi but decided to stay and play Yahtzee and wait for the soup. B was back out with Lexi to join us for yummy turkey soup.

After 7, Jacob kindly took the white ruler back to the city to leave at the girls for pick up next week along with Lexi while Shaina stopped at the gym on her route home. Thanks! B loaded up Cooper and was off to her condo as works tomorrow.

We started The Irishman on Netflix but it was so boring I started to doze by 9. S shut it off and went to sleep. I watched an episode of Shameless then started a new series called Greenfield but after 2 episodes I am not sure what I think of it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Day 2019

So it is Christmas, 2019. Soon a new decade will start but for today it is the perfect day to share with family. S had coffee set to go early which we enjoyed around a fire. Kaylin was up fairly early to join in. She was hungry so I started making crepes then rousted Shaina to join in.

these next 4 photos are submitted from Sheldon

I snapped a few photos of the finished valet quick

Britt eventually came out to eat left over crepes and spend the day with us. They opened gifts from Gran and Grandy as Mom packed up her bags and such. I caught Jessie and loaded her up and they were on their way back to Oyen. Shaina kindly gave the horses their pills today and helped Gran load her stuff too.

Kyle arrived just after 3 passing Mom on her way out of the gate. He however did not know the gate code nor had cell service so started walking to the house when I spotted him. Kaylin drove down to meet him so he could bring his car back to the house. The girls were mid gift exchange which was the usual mass chaos of paper and ribbons flying.

B checked the horses on her way to town before 5 to pick up Dave who had driven down in a rental car from the north country. They exchanged gifts quickly before coming back out to join us for supper that was all ready to go cooking faster then planned.

We enjoyed a good supper ( turkey was a bit tough in places) before game night ensued. Jacob joined us after his long day at work, drive thru Calgary to shower quick. Kyle was off to the city after 11 and Kaylin was off to bed feeling tired with her cold she brought back from Mexico. Jacob was off to bed after his long day at midnight, The 5 remaining played smear for game then Britt and Dave headed to town after 1. (Dave leaves for the north at 4:30 poor guy) S and I cleaned up the kitchen and unloaded the dishwasher before going to bed. Of course I had to watch a few YouTube videos to unwind before shutting off the lights.