Saturday, June 30, 2018

Stock Horse show day!! lots of pics

We were awake at 6, S jumped into some clothes and quickly raked the remaining hay in hopes that it would dry today. I made coffee, packed beverages an a jug of water and got ready. I caught Switch and We were on ther road just after 7 am and arrived to the destination at 8. This gave me time to get her tacked up and ride before the show started at 9.

 confirmation class - we placed 1st

 It was a good experience and we even managed to win 3 firsts and 2 seconds putting me as first place. Wow.. it surprised me but it was a great personal challenge as well as one for miss switch. It was finished up around 1 then awards and photos. THANKS to Sheldon for snapping all these great photos and helping me thru the day, even if this is not an exciting sport to watch, I appreciate you coming along XOXO

this is a saddle the ASH Society is raffling but we sent the girls a text saying I won it :)

A quick beverage and visit and we were all on our way about 2:45 and back home in an hour.

The weather was perfect today so hay dried well in most of the field so S was off to bale while I unloaded Switch. I fed her and Bird for her job well done. It did not take long for S to roll up 8 more bales and we both relaxed in The A/C.

B was home at 6 from day 2 of her clinic. I helped her check Bird’s feet and teeth and she was off to the city at 7 for supper and stay. Crazy rain came down a half hour later and off and on for an hour and half totalling 2/10. To relax we watched Spilt.

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