Wednesday, June 13, 2018

riding lesson and dresser pick ups

I was up at 9 sleeping late today after Britt closed the door while getting ready for work. I made coffee and did some marketing then took sleeping prince a cup after 9:30. I have riding lessons at 11 today so put another coat of dark stain on the table, put the soaker hose on the back bed, loaded my tack and horse and was out of the yard at 10:30. Prince was staying home to catch up on emails and mow the laneway and approach.

I had another good lesson finishing up and back home by 1. S had water going on the trees so moved it while I tossed hay to the horses, changed quick and we were off to town for his cleaning appointment at 1:30. I went to pick up dressers from 2 friends and back in an hour to pick him up.

We were then off to do errands before stopping at Paetz's to cut some peonies. AJ and C and the baby are in San Francisco with Gordon and Rita at the house with the rest of the tribe. S checked out the new vehicles then we went in for a cold beer and quick visit with them and the kids.

A quick stop to get the mail then back home to unload the dressers. I did repairs on the one while S got water going on trees again before a steak supper. I had offered trees and plants to a young girl so after I finished eating went out and dug them. She arrived to pick them up as Sheldon head to town for 7:30 to golf with Shaina. The weather looked threatening but we do want rain. Once plants potted & loaded up, she was off and passed Britt on her way home having stopped to get groceries after work. While I was out there I picked fresh rhubarb and came I and made a crisp.

sunny out my west window and this is north, where they were golfing and yep they got rained on but not here

Time for a soak to get the hands clean and watch the final episode of this season of Call the Midwife. B did go out to ride and was back in at 10 just after the golfers arrived home. Shaina is spending the night as she works at the golf course tomorrow too.

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