Monday, April 30, 2018

paint, ponies & puppies

Prince was off in the dark after 4 am and found we left B's lights on her car last night but don't worry it started right up later in the morning when she got up to give it a go. I was awake early yet again. The jumbo chalkboard blog post went live.Today's project is the jumbo armoire. It is mammoth so backed out the car to make some space. It got a good scrubbing to start then navy milk paint applied.

Once up B, started her car, tossed a bale and caught up on internet and such. She did heat me a bowl of soup for a late lunch and after she and I went for a ride in the super sunny day. It was beautiful out even only at 14 but no wind really helps. Roo came along for a sort portion then we gave Pepper and Bird a start to their years fitness plan.

Before coming in I trimmed a few wild branches and scraped the deck edges while B showered. After we ate supper we headed off to see the neighbors corso puppies. Her dropped pin however had us going down gravel roads and thru the reserve, hitting construction and detours and taking twice as long to get there ;) But the drive was worth it, especially for B who basically never left the puppy pen. 8 little cuties plus the mom dad and 4 month old and a 6 month old retriever .. they are a busy dog place.

Back home it was time for a nice soak and then some more blog post writing before bed. The Vancouver tourist girls made it safely home today too ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Probe leaves the ranch

The wind howled off and on all night. I was up before 8 so got to work on blog posts. I published a frame one first and worked on others. Sleeping prince finally got up after 10, tossed a bale and off to the city with the old probe around 11. I tossed a turkey carcass in to make soup on this blustery day. Laundry was also started.

I stayed to work on the dining table adding the next layer of paint and a coat of poly. More blog writing including rewriting a Hometalk post I wrote this am that disappeared ;( S was back by 1 probe free and spent the afternoon watching hockey.

 The low was 17 overnight but today the high is 6, brrr. All day the wind blew with the occasional spitting of rain, nothing like they called for ;( The wind blew a gate closed locking the horses in one paddock so a braved the hurricane winds to open it, spray Bird's foot and give them some carrot peelings.

I added another coat of poly and once dry, S helped me haul the table in to stage. Of course it requires vacuuming and cleaning which does have a good side. Supper was my hot turkey soup, yum. The wind eased a bit around supper and another spitting of rain. I went to the garage to work on the armoire priming the underside where there was a bit of water damage.

S did take a break between overtime periods to go toss a bale. More blog posts and marketing filled my evening as I waited for Britt to land. Then I will pick her up in town along with Cooper, her 2 fav things right b? Cooper and I headed in at 10, grabbed a few items and picked up B at 10:30 and brought her home!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Roo turns 1

Another beauty day ahead, after coffee S tossed a bale then got searching for an auto salvager while I painted the last coat of purple on the jewelry box. I made us a smoothie for breakfast, so healthy. When it dried I added pearl wax to it, reassembled it and cleaned both mirrors and walaa.. all done.

 I staged the new chalkboard

Just before lunch, S took a run around the field with the quad and his gun and got one. I went out to work on the dining table, doing one part in white wash had me repainting it ;) the other end I did in black glaze, prince approved so I added more grey milk paint over it.

He ran the recyclables to town we were to late to drop off yesterday by 5 minutes then worked on getting the probe ready to send to an auto place. What a beauty day out hitting 26!!

 The dining table now the repaint was dry was sanded and black glazed as was the base.

Time to get ready for a our date night with the Stouts. After a shower though I headed out in the glorious sunshine to snap a few photos of Miss Roo on her birthday. Sheldon snapped some earlier in the day too.

Stouts arrived at 5 for a drink before we headed to the evening at the local musical arts event. It was a supper and evening of live music. Very entertaining and fun to get out. Just after 11 they dropped us off, thanks for the fun night guys. S hit the bed to catch sports update. I checked work stuff waiting for the dogs. The wind was picking up for the rain coming tomorrow. Eventually I got them in at midnight and I too hit the comfy bed to watch a few Youtubes.

Friday, April 27, 2018

lawn aerated

What looks like a lovely day is actually a windy day even though it is 23. S tossed a bale before heading to town for a doctors appointment and errands. I went out and worked on the dining table putting a top coat on as well as doing the black wax on the frame back.

He was back with some groceries, mail and a lawn aerator. A quick bite to eat and we were out doing the yard. He ran the aerator with the quad while I managed the manual ground work continuing the dog poop scooping, rotten hay and cord/hose reeling. Lola also got more brushing as her coat continues to blow out.

no more lake

He even did the laneway sides and a couple loops in the one paddock before calling it quits in only a couple hours. I had come in to tidy the kitchen, wash dishes up and get painting the jewelry boxes. Pink got another coat and purple got its first then the pink had rose gold wax added and put all back together.

We were off back to town before 5 to return the rented aerator and pick up an armoire I scored online. Back home we unloaded it before getting supper going. I had sent S a video of a jalepeno hotdog so he had bought fixings so that was supper for him and plain for me.

He was off to watch hockey while I painted another coat of purple and worked on blog posts. Horse statue went live this am so I did one on Hometalk as well. I lured Lola in early with another brushing which she loves. S tossed a bale when the game ended, hit the showers then the big comfy bed. The wind was still blowing when I closed the windows at 11.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

more sunshine and painting

Silly early mornings.. I was awake at 7:30 and fed and let dogs out, got a cup of coffee making extra for miss Shaina who did not ride till 10. She was off to the city not long after getting up and having some fruit and her coffee.

I tossed a bale to the hungry ponies then got to work.

I did more repairs on the gate leg table, this is one of the repairs LOL so removed and wood filled them and the other screw holes I removed

this horse has to play in any water she finds!

The latest table I purchased was scrubbed down, sanded then painted in grey milk paint.

when your arms are not long enough and you have no helpers, use a leg

Since I had extra grey I painted the large chalkboard picture frame too.

For my Ellen break I started painting the one jewelry box pink after removing hardware on both and the side doors for easier painting.

The beauty 21 sunny day called me out at 5 to scoop poop for a bit before coming in to find an aerating company as the grass could really use it. I also put a 2nd coat on the table.

by days end the lake is almost gone, and B's evening view below

Time to work on blog posts. S got home at 8 just in time to hit the hockey game. He did eat some soup and make himself KD ;) I tossed another bale to the horses and doctored Bird's foot for B. She facetimed again which was nice to see her shining 21 year old face ;)

While I waited for Lola to come in I sanded the dining table and frame then started black waxing the frame. Finally at 11:30 I walked out in the field to meet her and bring her in ;) What a beautiful almost full moon night, no wonder she wanted to stay out.