Saturday, December 23, 2017

Xmas eve eve ;)

The custom ruler pick up was a bit early at 9:30 as I was trying to get some IN posts ready. The gal was pleased, loaded it up and on her way.

I then made a trip to town for last minute things including salt for the horses, few last groceries and gifts (I think I am all good now) and some flowers. Yes tulips, some of my favorite and to think at Christmas time, so pretty.

The weather was crazy all day with snow and off and on, going to town the sun was coming out but coming home the snow was coming down and wind blowing. Once home I ran to the barn, hauled a bale out for the horses, fed the cat and hauled a bucket of wood back. I think my lungs were froze as my chest was sore but it calmed down in a bit. And I started a nice fire for the blustery day.

Britt arrived around 2. I was making a Japanese salad but after done I headed out to help her give Roo her booster and fix her back foot chip and haul another load of wood in. She scrubbed Bird's foot and redressed before putting them out and coming back in. She and I then worked on some puzzles. The first one was done in less then an hour but the next one was a bit harder as the pieces fit sometime in two places ;(

I made hamburger soup while the puzzled, perfect for a stormy day. It was now quite stormy again. Grady and Caleb stopped for a quick visit at 7:30 picking Britt up to head to some Christmas parties. I gave Lola her dewormer when I got her in which ended up with half all on me but hope it got some in. We had given Lexi hers earlier and had similar issues but hers was a tablet not liquid.

Kaylin and Shaina went to the Keg for supper and shared this yummy looking steak before Shaina came to Strathmore to celebrate with friends.

I worked on the puzzle in front of the fire till about 9 then Lexi and I snuggled up with some YoutTube how to videos. I awoke a few times to see if B needed a ride but at 2:45 she confirmed staying in town with sister Shaina at Kate's so off wen the Xmas lights and back to sleep.

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