Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Prince gets another massage

The day started overcast and windy but warm at 13. Coffee in bed then it was onto marketing. Needing to scan a form for Sheldon had me on tech support with our router company for yet another hour only to have them have me reset it and start new. UGH  but eventually I just plugged printer in directly and got the scans done.

S brought the Christmas tree over and popped it up before he was off to town after lunch for his 2 pm massage. He dropped my coat rack parcel at the post office too, thanks buddy. I got started painting the 2 chairs black.

Britt popped out after 2, doctored up Bird, tried her new halter purchase on Roo, bathed Lexi who rolled in a  fresh pile and was off to the city before 4 just after Sheldon got home from his massage. She did bring me a tub of peppermint ice cream!!! YAY B

seems city stores carry a few containers compared to zero here

A sale came thru Etsy for the green jewel box so it was onto boxing it up to get an accurate shipping cost.

After supper I went out to give the black chairs another coat while S went to watch the hockey game. We met back in our big comfy bed at 8 to watch 3 hours of Vikings season 5!!

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