Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day

The hoar frost was thick this am after such a cold night. It covered the trees and the poor cold ponies. Sheldon got the coffee going while I made toad in a holes for them all. Kaylin and Shaina have to work at 11:30 so were prepping and headed off just after 10. I also made them a turkey plate lunch to take along. Sheldon tossed a bale as the skid steer would not start so threw the charger on it and back in for a nap. The poor fellow has a cold that has been ailing him for days.

Britt went out to check her horses in this -23 COLD day. She hauled out the turkey for lunch and to pack up left overs as well. Shaina called saying she was heading home from work after only an hour as a pipe burst!! And here she drove like her usual speedy Gonzalo to get back to the city, home then work. B too then packed up her gifts and such and along with Lexi was off to the city after 1. Sheldon checked her tires prior to her setting off then while dressed up hauled over more wood via the skidoo (now we have snow finally) then rolled out a bale to the ever grateful horses.

great pic Shaina took yesterday of "our girls", they just needed Lola

I cleaned up the house getting most back to normal and threw the turkey bones on to make soup. I also started a nice fire and got a new puzzle going. Prince was most happy as he could curl up and sleep away his illness. Catching up on the blog also required allot of time but always good to share at this special time. Sheldon gave me a new iPad for Xmas today so spent time double checking what I needed to save and could delete and got the new one all set up and the other one reset for him to start fresh.

 The beautiful Kate Spade purse the girls gave me and the handsome watch they got S, XOXOXO

Before heading to bed to read (S had moved from lazy boy to a quick soak in a hot tub then to the comfy bed), I did the meat/bone sorting for the soup, added carrots to the broth and put in the fridge till tomorrow to finish. I headed to bed to read and do a few things on my iPad first and learned that your 300 free men do not get saved or other game bonuses and I forgot to back up all my bookmarked pages. Dam.. another note to self.. just do the backup and then delete what you don't use would have been easier way!

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