Thursday, November 30, 2017

Paetz kids arrive

The bunny customer arrived to pick up the painted bunny mid morning.

I Painted the rustic Xmas sets, S cut me another too as well as 2 drawer blocks which I glued in

 I also got the custom ruler underway with a white wash on all sides seeing I had white on the go

We ran to town to a bank appointment at 1:30 stopping to grab a drill bit before and grabbing a tea and fuel after before jetting home. The Paetz clan arrived soon after we were home about 3:30. The kids and Samara are staying with us while they head to Phoenix for sun and fun for 4 days.

The kids kept us entertained for the rest of the night. Arch did go down for a nap and ended up sleeping 2 hours waking in time for late supper and joining in on playtime with big kids. Snack and story time followed by prayers and the kids were off to bed. Sheldon was off to the TV room while I worked on blog posts finishing the accent table.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Shaina for supper Wednesday

Today was Sheldon's jet lag day having him slug around and spend lots of nap time between the lazy boy and couch. I got busy painting the wooden bunny and adding the final step to the custom cabinet; the poly coating.

Prince did run to the shop and cut a railing I had marked for Xmas craft, thanks buddy. He hit the lazy boy and I scrubbed them up then applied a coat of white to most.

I also snapped a few pictures of the new S&P set

Shaina arrived after lunch as I was working on projects in the garage and S was resting. She worked on her training presentation before heading to town after 2 to meet a potential new client. She would meet her work out and be back for supper with the plan to bring a tomato for taco supper.

I headed back out to start a new big project; the desk the girls recently brought. It received a good sanding and scrub.

Once back after 4:30, she forgot so headed back to town in the merc. The valet customer was at the gate as she pulled out making it easy for the customer to head up to the house. S took her jeep to change the oil quick. After a brief visit the lady was headed back to the city, Shaina was back with the tomato and we could eat one of our favorite meals. Then Shaina was off after 6 for boot camp lessons in town.

Sheldon and I watched Office Christmas Party before he nodded off. I watched Grey's and while waiting to get Lola in I stained the sanded edges of the now dry desk and taped up the Xmas sets.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

town trip

Coffee in bed, always a good start to the day but soon up as the last custom piece was to be dropped off.  She popped out to drop off a wooden bunny to have painted for her granddaughter for Christmas. 

While out there I dark waxed the knobs I painted the same color as the cabinet, just one step left; to poly the top. Sheldon worked on work stuff online till we loaded up and were off to town after 11:30.

We each drove in as I had the car loaded with stuff to take to the boutique to try and sell.

We met in town for lunch at the Vietnamese then he was off to his massage and me wash my car, to pick up a bread box I won in the am on an online auction, paint to fix a couple wee chips on a shelf then to the boutique. I got it all set up then jetted to Amanda's for a haircut. Britt was there getting hers cut right before me then off to errands and chiro appointment. Thank Manda for the super trims.

I grabbed the mail on route home by 2. I finished the armoire blog post and got it posted on a few places. Britt stopped out quick around 3 to see her horses quick, grab a hair dryer and jet back to the city. Nice seeing you for a few minutes busy B! <3

Prince was home after 4 with a few groceries and allot of beer.. but it was a great sale!! The weather was another warm 7 day perfect for a barbecue supper. Then S was off to TV room to watch the Flames and I worked on blog posts (blues cubby shelf) with my friends at Grey's alongside me. The first lady wanting the valet yesterday did send the cash as did a custom ruler gal. I had S pick up the 7 foot maple piece today. I did take a break to go out and black wax the S&P set and scrub the custom bunny for tomorrows paint.

Monday, November 27, 2017

projects on the go

Today was all about garage projects..

The custom cabinet got another coat of cream, sanded smooth then its dark wax detailing and hemp oiled the entire inside

A new set of salt and pepper's were painted 2 coats and clear waxed

I set the doll house blog post to go live and posted on a few pages

Marketing had updates and emails responded to, I created some new graphics and the valet was spoken for by 2 people by the end of the day

In the evening I deconstructed the hutch, it was a bit more challenging but in the end I did get most of it apart but not sure I want to pursue my mirror plan.

Sheldon's weather was opposite up north with snow storms delaying their departure but eventually they got to the airport and not arriving back home till after midnight where he promptly fell asleep in minutes.

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Big items leave the garage

Yet another warm windy but some sun off and on day. Time to work on marketing, page updating etc. I finished another post for the azure jewel box for me and continued on others. Britt was up around 10 for coffee and hit the couch. I added black wax to the grey salt and pepper set.

B did refill the salt/mineral tub closest to the house before she and Lexi packed up and headed back to the city by 1. She stopped to visit the horses on her way out as Donna Mae and her son arrived to pick up their freshly painted treasures.

As they were pulling out of the yard another gentleman and his 2 boys pulled in to look at the rustic dresser I had on black friday special and within minutes sent an EMT for it and we had it loaded and they were gone by 1:30. Busy half hour at the Creative Moments garage door. Thanks all.

Time to grab a bite to eat and update my pages. While inside I finished another blog post for the silverware chest. The day for sales and power of intention is crazy, cousin Kristie has been eyeing the coffee table set for a long time and today says she would like it this am, this afternoon I have another lady message about it. The aqua rack that sold at Friday's market? yep a lady on Etsy messaged where did the rack go you had listed? hahaha only the power of intention can make this happen.. spread out to other items I still have for sale power!

The wind picked up even more as the day wore on and even though it was 14!! it was overcast now and sounded stormy.

Now to work on the custom cabinet, the doors were sanded down front and back, all was washed down well and the first cot of cream went on. After dry I sanded it all smooth.

A hot soak was in order with Grey's. I did a quick bathroom clean then tried to watch actual TV PVR shows and what a disappointment. So many commercials and pushing of buttons instead of seamless Netflix.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

trims, dewormer and instant pot trial run

Warm wind continued to blow thru the night staying around 4 degrees. It was a windy Saturday. Time to get the custom table and armoire finished. I remember why I stay away from wax on smooth surfaces, what a pain if you have OCD. The light reflects all brush marks and degrees of shine. I had the table in the house wiping buffing and adding more wax, UGH. In between I worked on accounting setting up more bills in the new ATB account.

I added another coat of wax to the sides of the armoire and buffed then did more marketing and posting of sale items, unloaded the car and loaded some items to take to the consignment store to display there.

Curtis stopped to pick the the JUMBO doll house after 1.

Britt came out after 2:30, she and I headed out to catch the horses and give their fall dewormer. Pepper and Daisy and little Roo were taken in the barn where I trimmed the 2 and B worked with Roo in the arena. Another warm plus 8 day with moist ground made trimming so much easier.

Back in the house Britt pulled out the instant pot and checked it all out. Kaylin surprised us with a visit. She was at Manda's getting her hair done and wanted to stop and say hi. Three cups of coffee a piece of sausage and she was off to the city to meet Gail for supper. Britt was making the first meal in her new pot. It turned out pretty good for rookie cooker B.

first egg nog of the season ;)

She was off at 7 after tidying her pot up to go hot tubbing leaving me to finish laundry and blog posts. Here is one published for the valet. While doing so I put 2 coats of polyvine on the accent table of course all while watching Grey's. I finished season 9 and onto 10. I did take a break and headed out to check out the new custom piece. I ended up sanding the entire outside down! Britt was back home by 10 and hit the TV room for her PVR shows. Once I got back in, I got Grey's going and finished folding last load of laundry.