Sunday, September 3, 2017

slow Sunday

Britt ended up staying at Brooke's and getting home at 7, much under the weather. Kaylin was home after her very early shift before 11:30. We caught up as well as checked out all my film cameras in storage (the girls are interested in learning photography) before she was off to her room. She was not going to sleep but soon she was. Fine tuning sanding the edges of the dresser was my project then watering plants and harvesting my small spaghetti squash (2) and 2 big carrots.. crazy big ones!!

Setting up the new computer continued but it clearly is not running right nor is it any faster and of course many of the programs are no longer able to be used. I am thinking it might have to go back as has crashed 2 times yesterday as well today and not even 24 hours old.

I have been wanting to scrub the front door so got that down, shook the rug and scrubbed some yucky areas, so much better. My new fall Belgian mums are just starting to bloom. Shaina arrived home as I was finishing up.

Britt finally came up as we were chatting around the island, had a wee bite to eat and headed back to bed. I chopped up veggies for my hamburger soup (just one carrot was MORE then enough) and she returned to eat with us. Kaylin and Shaina went to town to celebrate Gail's 30th birthday. It actually rained in town but not a drop here ;( I soaked in the tub and tried to watch Fences but gave up after half way thru, just too slow.

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