Thursday, September 14, 2017

bday lunch and a road trip kind of day

B was off to work as usual for her 2nd last day for a long while. Shaina was to work a golf tournament at 9 but was not impressed she was still required to brave the 4 degrees on the beer cart. She did get out of the house before 9:30 in her parka ;) I made some coffee and got stuff loaded to take to town from my purge. 

An email arrived saying I had another feature on Hometalk, this time my coffee table which still is for sale so hope it helps sell it.

Kaylin does not work till 1:30 so had a sleep in morning still not up when I left after 11. Coreena had her birthday in August but today was the soonest she, Sharon and I could get together. Always fun to catch up with these two.

Two hours later we all set off on our ways. I dropped the huge bag of ladies wear off at the store for womens shelter, picked up Britt's Euro $$, ran a few errands then headed home. Shaina had been home from her shift and off to the city already. I worked on more accounting and marketing for a couple hours before Sharon picked me up just after 5 to head to a working equitation classroom clinic. It got a bit warmer but not allot and I certainly did not dress well for the clinic in an arena ;/

We finished up our class room talk about 9, grabbed a hot tims tea and donut for the ride home with her dropping me back home around 10. Shaina and Britt were chilling in their rooms with Kaylin getting home about 10:30, all the Kuhn girls safely under the roof once again.

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