Wednesday, September 20, 2017

B is in London

I awoke with texts and photos from Britt saying she safely arrived in London, yeah!

Shaina was off to yoga mid morning with Kaylin getting up to join us lat morning. Sheldon made us a yummy chicken sandwich for brunch. His day was spent getting his new work phone up and running while I marketed the dining table all over the net and worked on trying to get more items in front of buyers.

Kaylin and Lexi were off to town after lunch to meet Shaina and a friend for a walk as a few sprinkles started to come down but not for long. In town it seems it lasted longer. I headed out to harvest some carrots and water my veggies and evergreen trees in the raised beds as well as flower planters that are still blooming. The garage got a sorting but the next project is unsure due to so much stock to sell yet. So I moved to the storage room for a quick tidy.

The girls were back mid afternoon, Shaina got ready and was off to the city to meet friends for supper. Kaylin worked on organizing her clothes stacked floor and did a great job clearing it.

Britt's schedule. Drizzle was off and on. I did venture out to pick the last of my honey crisp apples, darn birds were just into them, grrr. Shaina was home at 10:30 as I was watching Grey's and Prince was sleeping. Kaylin and I worked on her photos after 11 finding a program to view some she took in raw format. This made her happy as she could not see them without it. Of course I had to watch Netflix till 1 when I was able to chat quick with Britt just getting up for the day ;)

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