Thursday, September 21, 2017

Desk purge

So what did I do today when the weather was dreary and rainy, I purged my desk. This task took all day. So many papers, files, notepads and office supplies to sort.

Kaylin was up late morning and off around 12:30 for work, Shaina made it up by noon and eventually headed to town to work out. Once back and ate, Yanni arrived for pool & ping pong games and a visit.

Facebook and Instagram pics of Britt's adventures Click HERE to follow her IG account

Sheldon continued his phone set up and some work emails. He did help sort a bill file for me, thanks Prince. He was off to town after 5 to pick up a parcel for me then off to a rodeo meeting @ 6. Yanni and Shaina went to town for wings around 7. I worked on accounting, always a fun task trying to find Prince's bill to match. He was home after 9 bringing us a burger for a pate supper, thanks. Shaina was home just after 10 and Kaylin by 10:30 with another wii fest challenge ensuing after showers.

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