Saturday, September 16, 2017

photos are the best

Kaylin was off for an early 7 am shift and Shaina was off at 9. Britt and I were to Sundre for a poker rally but the 5+ hour drive for the day seemed too much when we had things to do here. I ran a big bag of horse magazines to the gate for a young girl who has gotten them before. Yes my children, I had to open and close the gate at the yard to get there and back ;)

The cleaning continues, remember this is over 4000 sq feet of 5 people living so I am eating the elephant slowly. The spare room closet had me distracted with pictures some of the time.

Mom on Buck 1967 when I was 6 weeks old


Grandad and Uncle Ken

Can you pick out my Dad, Uncle Ken & Ron - with their cousins

Once awake Britt spent the day watching netflix and finally packing her back pack - all 22 pounds. She did some laundry and minimal cleaning in her room but did vacuum out her car.

Good thing we stayed as the gal who bought the large MCM dresser as is asked if her mom could get today, driving from Rocky Mountain House. Yes indeed! She arrived at 1:30 just behind of Shaina home from her golf course shift. I had it at the door with Britt's help and had the legs off and drawers out so Shaina helped me load the dresser body in the ladies SUV , thanks Dude. Now moving the dresser had me hauling out the vacuum too.

When going thru the antique dresser drawers I found the escutcheons and had never noticed them missing, so hammered them back on.

There were also lots of frames so I did do a collage with one as well

empty shelves in here too, all toys, photos, frames and staging items arranged, progress!

Kaylin got home just before 5, changed then she and Shaina jumped in the jeep and were off to Lethbridge for the evening and day tomorrow as both have it off. Being just Britt and I for supper we went meatless again.

I went to dump the compost bucket and found frost had toughed lightly on the zucchini ;( the thermometer says only got 9 last night but the batteries are weak so may have missed it or it was the night before. No matter, I watered the beets, carrots and zucchinis and covered them for tonight as another advisory is out. I collected seeds too while out there and from hitting 15 and breezy most of the day it is dropping fast now. And even though the breeze went down before supper it is now picking back up again, brrrrr.

I finished the 2nd half of The Story of  Diana as I blogged and washed dishes. It is crazy that 20 years have passed. I was done by 10 but when I ventured out to get Lola in I spent an hour working on the dining table that has been neglected. I had a lady message about the grey hutch so came in to answer her and her I still am answering a few more inquiries. Fingers crossed they both sell.

starting to dry brush colors on, here is 1 and I added 3 more

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