Friday, December 16, 2016

time flies by

Today is the start of the last 2 weeks of 2016, another year has flown right by. I have not written our yearly Christmas letter or did our photo collage, oh well there has been allot of things happening.

We had our usual coffee in bed start then got things rolling. I had a pick up of the kids table set for 1 too however they called to changed to another day. Sheldon was off to town for a noon massage that opened up. This changed our shopping plans but we will try for tomorrow.. ugh Christmas shopping on a w/e. But this is what happens when you leave to late, again not my usual MO.

I tried to make up some of these festive treats but mine did not go quite as planned. If you try, have a lower temperature oven and middle rack and only till soft. I chose to pour chocolate over vs dipping.

Sheldon was back from his massage and grocery run to enjoy a nap on the couch in the sunshine. It was another cold day with a high around -16. I was working on some secret Santa gifts until Britt got home from her last day of school (test day) for her Christmas break at 3:30. Britt got news today she won a $2000.00 scholarship!! YAY B!!

We headed to the pet cemetery at 4 to bury big D. Shaina met us there coming out from the city. Saying goodbye to an old friend is always hard but again it is all the great memories and photos we have that will keep his legend living forever in our hearts.

Back at the house I cooked up a yummy salmon supper for us all. Shaina was then headed off to the city to pack all her final stuff as tonight she and Brad (who is flying home only hours before they fly out) are off to Cancun for a week. They will fly back in Xmas eve at 8 pm.. whew busy day that will be. Have fun guys, nice to have a break from this cold snap we are in.

Britt dewormed the cats and Coco and I gave her a hand with the dewormer hating Lola. She even headed out side in the -22 not counting wind chill for an hour after still not wanting to come in. Sheldon was off to watch the flames in the TV room. I finished season 1 of How to Get Away with Murder last night ans started season two so tonight I caught a few more episodes.. ok allot as Lola was in and out until 2 am. Britt had went to town to see friends at the bar at 10 and home by 1. I finished last episode at 2:30 and called it a night. Of course the Prince has been asleep since 9 ;)

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