Sunday, December 25, 2016

Christmas day

Merry Christmas everyone. We were up around 8:30 and started with a coffee in bed before rousting the girls around 9. They gabbed a coffee and we did a quick exchange before loading up to head to Oyen. The loads of snow had the mercury covered in about a foot of snow so had to be dug out, started and warmed as we loaded it up. Gifts, food and the accent table for Barb then it was time to load the girls and dogs. Lola was a bit hesitant as usual but got in with a bit of coaxing. By 10:30 we pulled out of the yard, just a bit behind our schedule.

In town, we filled with gas and ran thru Micky D's to grab a hot drink , breakfast bagel for Daddy and nuggets for the girls. Lola was amazed at the smells of this place. Then we were off east in the sunshine. The roads were ok but not great until we hit the top of Dorothy hill when we could finally pick up some speed and time. We arrived at Mom's by 1:30 as they were all just getting home form brunch at dale's. Kaylin had drove out last night after her work day so was there to greet us as well.

furry heated pillow

Food was almost cooked, all was being set out at dale's joined and Travis after he finished feeding cows. Archer made it home last night!! But was not to go far nor be around germs so the Paetz's had to stay in Strathmore. We sure missed having them all with us but so glad he was let out so all could spend time together as a family.

The evening was loaded with games,visiting and fun. Did I mention there were 7 dogs!! In the house, not usually all at once as the patio doors were continually opening and closing to let one in or out.  There was supposed to be 9 had Paetz's made it and big D. Sheldon said "I don't even think houses on the reservations have 7 dogs in them at once ;)" But for the most part the dogs all got along with only 1 brief incident. "Not many people are animal lovers like us Walkers" was Vance's quote. Oh and Mom got a new kitten, Louie who was hauled around between all these dogs by Mya and Britt.

Kaylin sent a text to say we forgot the family photo ;( so quickly snapped this one, her and Lexi are missing from it, darn!

We played card games until fairly late in between snack stops. Eventually all were tucked in and ready for a rest after such a busy day.. except I could not sleep ;(

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