Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas celebration

No sleep in today, I was awake after 7 but when I looked out at 7:45 it was clear and in about 5 minuted the fog rolled in! It went up and down most of the day. We were up and ready to roll with Diego and Lola loaded in the merc. She was very nervous on the ride but was curious at the vet clinic. She went off  readily with the vet to get set for her big surgery day.

 nervous Nelly on the way to town

Sheldon and I stopped next quick at Amanda's to pick up my kids table set I bought and had delivered there. I had wrapped Barb;s table in hopes it could go along with them to Oyen Sunday but no luck, too big for their car trunk. Then we were off to Walmart driving thru Tims (Diego thought this was great as they served him 2 timbits :) He guarded the car while we shopped for our list. A quick stop to stock up on liquor for tonight's party then back home after 11.

Time to get ready for the party. Sheldon napped but eventually went out to wrap lights around the front step columns . I cleaned bathrooms and vacuumed and got all the food ready including a yummy dip. Sheldon then made his soon to be famous chili as his pot luck contribution.

post- surgery photo update the clinic sends

Britt pulled in just before 4, hauling in a pile of clothes to stock up for her Xmas break. Shaina was first to arrive with Lexi at 5:30 but soon ran to town to grab milk, Britt went along too. Connie & Diane were next, then Krystalle and her gang then Allison and Brett. It was an evening of great food, lots of laughs and fun. Crokinole was the evening entertainment, perhaps a game we need to add to our collection.
miss Lexi determined to get this shed off the table.. all night long

someone may have snuck Mr J in to join the party ;)

By 11, all the guests except Connie & Diane who stayed the night were headed home. We visited fora while before retiring and calling it a very successful Rocky Mountain polox Xmas party.

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