Wednesday, December 21, 2016

last pony trimmed

Another beauty day in chinook land, today is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year! It is also the 69th birthday of a lady I call Mom! Happy cake day Mother.

Today I finished the family Christmas latter and photo collage. Like the blogs, it takes loads of time and I always want to stop doing but once it is done I love the memories it brings back and the reminders of our blessed life.

The fellow stopped around lunch to snag a growth ruler for under the tree, thanks Corey. And thanks to the gal who has still not picked up her 2 finished rulers ordered and finished over a year ago, this gave me 2 on hand he could choose from.

Monica text from the store my navy dresser had sold and large chalkboard, it is a Christmas miracle ;)

It was another beauty chinook day, yes still some wind but hit plus 3. Tomorrow with have a full day but Friday the temperature is supposed to drop so I headed out in the sunshine and caught Hawk. Using the fence yet again I rode bareback to the barn and trimmed him up. He is for sure the best behaved when it comes to trimming and being alone. It took over an hour to fine tune his tootsies. And now that most of the snow is gone, the multiple dog poop piles really stand out so that was my next chore while it is still nice.

I was just finishing up when I got a text from Amanda. She has been sitting at emerge for 2 hours with the kids and now the two oldest are going squirrelly. A few days back she was there getting all 3 looked at. All have bad colds, the older two just have to work thru it but little Arch has low O2 levels with all the snuffly breathing. Britt who has been sick the last few days, was dressed and came to town with me. I dropped her at Walmart on the way by to head into the city to finish her shopping with a friend. At the hospital I picked up my two young charges and off to DQ we went for supper.

who knew DQ serves bananas instead of fries.. and who picks it.. Ada!

Hoping Arch's O2 level were up soon, we headed to the house after supper around 7. Pj's were donned and hide and seek of the super hero figures ensued for an hour. Little man was transferred to Children's to get his levels sorted so I loaded up a sleepover bag for the kids with their cough meds, toothbrushes and new clothes and off to the ranch we went.

After all the kitties were pet, meds distributed and teeth brush there was some iPad time till 9 then lights out. Ash was sleeping in no time after his long day of school. Little miss was a bit longer with additional bathroom breaks and super sudsy hand washing ;)

I thought I would go to bed early but no luck, those sill oyster openings had me for a bit, then Britt was home around 11 and the poor coughing kids needed drinks, and a humidifier, and socks off and immune rolled on their feet, a nightlight and bathroom lights turned off thru the night. I then was awake again and was playing candy crush from 1-3.. good grief. Sleep is not my friend on this longest night of the year ;)

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