Thursday, December 8, 2016

tile making started

yep -21 yet again today. Sheldon got to sleep in today as late first meeting. He kindly walked Lola quick after I got her prepped before he was off at 8. D of course just went out 5' and was back, too cold. I got them fed and ears cleaned then on to marketing. It seems the blue lazy susan would need a new coat of paint with some paint  company compatibility issues so on went another coat. Once dry I got the hand painting done.

Now to haul out the big power tool. My first cut was to make a chalkboard back for calendar frame. It was a bit smelly while cutting but I carried on and painted the board up in green this time. However when I cut my 2'X4' board it seriously was smoking and smelly, WTH?? I cut the long piece in 4 and left it for the prince to check before doing the last half.

Lola went our for 3 alone walks before noon returning in about 10 mins each time. Thank goodness for the cold on that aspect.

Now the long 1X4' board was cut in 4 pieces I stenciled them up in the kitchen. Got to love the low or no VOC products I use.

  looked like a baking line

Sheldon made a trip to look for wood I need for a custom ruler but no luck at 2 major places in the city, he did grab me a few other things I was needing but this put him in a slow route out due to a big accident. I did have his favorite creamed chicken with roasted veggies and coconut rice and a ceasar with 2 pickled beans and a pepperoni stick all waiting when he arrived just after 6.

He caught the flames game while I soaked in the tub then we caught up on Vikings which is back for another season.

here is Britt after doing her first IV on this goat

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