Wednesday, August 31, 2016

trail ride with the girls

Today is a trail riding day planned but first Britt had to put in a shift at the salon from 9:30-12:30. I worked on another custom ordered growth ruler, this customer wanted longer marking on the ruler so again tried a new technique with a black paint pen and ruler. I was able to hand paint the numbers too before I got stuff packed up for our trail ride.
I had the horses caught and everything loaded for when Britt got home. She quickly changed, grabbed a sandwich for the road and by 1 we were off. We met Shaina just after 2 at the Bragg Creek mall and it was not long until we got to the trail head, tacked up and off on our adventure.

The day was odd because the smoke in the air made it look cool but it was 25! Perfect trail riding weather.

 off we go
 Britt always prefers bareback when trail riding with Pep

Shaina brought along a boom box so we had music the entire way

seems my focus sucked while trying to snap and trot

 back at the trailer it was time to bucket the sweaty (some more than others) horses

  brought out Shaina's fancy halter I ordered her years ago but too big for Baby

Britt shows the down side of riding bareback ;) .. laundry

We had fed and loaded the horses and headed home by 5. A black cloud started to roll in and not long after the horses were put out and we came in did a short lived squall roll thru but soon was gone. Sheldon was napping on the couch and only moved to TV room for football. B showered and retreated to her pre school packing. I put a coat of stain on the ruler then relaxed with Netflix and a bath. Ok relax is not true with our crappy internet service but it was doable.

Not a bad way to end August!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

sunshine and 26

Sheldon was off at usual time, I was up before 8 to let out Lola, make coffee and fresh coffee creamer and serve one to miss Shaina in bed to get her moving for her 9 am shift. I was putting the first poly coat on the ruler when Britt headed to town before 10 for a few quick errands.. holy cow. Early morning for all ;)

I also threw another poly coat on the RH table then another on the ruler before Britt returned with a tea for me, thanks B! She and I headed out and cleaned out the horse trailer; living area and horse area. Perfect sunny weather and slight breeze to make it pretty again. I went on to washing all the horse whites white B vacuumed out her car and cleaned it.

Since the plan is to trail ride tomorrow, horses needed to have good feet. Britt went and caught Baby and Bird and I trimmed them both and after releasing them caught Hawk for me. I put him in the round pen to mow for a bit and then released him as well as Britt hung out the whites to sun bleach in the 26 degree sunshine. The customer's husband stopped to pick up the freshly painted ruler and was off.

 A quick run to town after supper to pick up 2 free dressers rounded off the work day. Sheldon off to TV room for sports and I catching up on some PVR shows.

Monday, August 29, 2016

growth ruler ordered

Britt was up before 10 today, wonders never cease. Then I found out she got called to work earlier ;) She has a doctor appointment at 11 so will go in after till 8, good for the last week of work before school starts paycheck for sure.

I worked on yard work as the day was beautiful. Perfect for tree trimming, pulling spent plants, putting some things away, scooping crap and hauling it to pit while walking the dogs. Such a multi tasker.

Along the route I snapped a few updated pictures of miss Baby to repost her for sale ad. She is looking very fit and active after her spring bout of laminitis.

I also worked on a growth ruler that was ordered trying a different technique, this time hand painting before staining. Lets see how it works.

Sheldon had acupuncture after work so grabbed groceries and supper on his way home. Always a treat not to have to cook and I was staining as he pulled in. We walked the dogs after supper in the glorious sunshine. Mosquitoes seemed to be out but less. Britt ate her take out when home from her long day at work around 8:30 and Shaina rolled in with a chai tea for me when she finished up and home before 10. Thanks little miss!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

mulch tree day

Sunday started dreary and overcast which is perfect for a chill relax day off for all. Sheldon put away the baler then ran the rake back to neighbor enjoying a coffee catch up. I worked on the 200 photos from yesterday. By after lunch though there was occasional sun peeking thru and perfect weather to finish unloading the mulch around the trees. Britt was an awesome worker and in 3 hours we had the trailer unloaded and almost all the trees finished. But finished for this year, will get more mulch in spring and get last ones done and refill the ones from this year. Time to celebrate with a frosty slush drink on the deck, yeah team!

The sun came out full force and even though only 17 it was perfect working weather and now perfect for a steak barbecue with freshly dug potatoes and fresh sauteed zucchini!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fun Jackpot day - lots of pictures

Polocrosse was back on the calendar and fingers crossed the weather cooperates. I was up early made coffee and served the prince in bed. I got Britt moving and soon she and I had snacks, drinks and horses loaded and out the gate by 9. Sheldon stayed home to finish the baling, he was just pulling the rake out too.

Shaina and Brad met us there and the day ensued. We did pass through rain but it let up and stayed away for the rest of the day. In true jackpot stable, the teams were drawn and each team played the others in 8 min chukkas.

 ALL these great pics up to here were taken by Brad, THANKS BRAD!

 Brad taking in his first polcrosse

Following the day's play a skills competition was held. Shaina took 2/5 of the challenges, way to go Dude.
 attempts at longest throw

sisters.. left false start at fastest pick right
 fastest pickup

 and on her try after successful pickup false start, Britt missed under pressure

 fastest combined skills winner

A hot dog barbecue and awards wrapped it all up and we had horses loaded and heading east at 6. The rain and miserable wind started as we crossed Stony. Gale force winds were blowing when Britt let the girls out and I headed inside. A headache had me in the tub then bed watching a few episodes of Good Wife. Sheldon was relaxing after his baling day having finished everything up and made 56 more making a grand total of 189 oat bales and 21 hay bales. The rain blew in hard later in the evening too, great it missed the successful day by all.
Sheldon\s shot of the day