Monday, August 31, 2015

B's big day

Today is C day.. college day that is. We let Britt sleep in a bit after her nervous night last night but got the last few things loaded and the convoy set out just after 10. A quick stop to fill up vehicles and grab a tea and we were off, me riding with the college following the alumni Olds guy.
loaded and ready
Coco loaded herself ready to hit college.. how disappointed she was to have to stay home ;(
handy that it only just over an hour to get there, mind you the #2 can be very daunting with all the crazy drivers but we arrived safe and sound. The check in process was fairly fast and smooth and it was not long before we had all her goodies loaded into the new room, pretty exciting as rez just opened so it really is a brand new room. It was a good size with a bed and desk provided, closets have organizers and enough room for some added furniture. We had a list underway of things she needed to take back up. They even had pizza as a move in treat.

very excited to have her new digs
 there is a big dark desk along the wall to Sheldon's right not in view
 and the bed all made and tested
 Next stop was to find the  cafeteria then pay.. EEKKKK that was a hard part but not like the next stop.. books.. holy cow.. who knew how pricey the book list would be and we did not even get it  all! This though was a highlight I think for b, all the books on animals! We took a town tour and checked 3 stores for ladies small coveralls with no luck. Back at rez, she put on her parking sign leaving her car there, grabbed a few things then an ice cap and we were off home stopping at Bass Pro with yet again no luck.
great back to school picture
Back at the ranch, it was now 6 pm and time to cook supper while Britt and I piled the list of needed items at the door. Rugs and a broom along with foamy for the bed and a coffee pot top the list of items to take back.
Sheldon checked out the bale elevator before we carried on with Game of Thrones and Britt ran the boat to town and filled for the jet setting father, THANKS B! Aaron dropped Kaylin's box spring off for storage as like Shaina's it will not fit down the stairs in their new place.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

polox tourney

We were up close to the crack of dawn (6:45!) to get horses loaded and us and off to Ranahan cup tournament for Britt's 9 am game. After all the hustle it seems the start was delayed giving us a bit of breathing room.

The wind remained blowing harder as the day went on but less smoke was nice to start the day. Britt played near back to back games in the morning then reffed 2 in the afternoon. Her teams placement had them playing again Sunday morning at 9 am so opted to stay the night rather than go home, buck the wind and get up early again. We enjoyed the supper and social night but hit the sheets fairly early now that the dark is coming faster and it remained windy and cooler.

 nap time .. during Britt's game

 thirsty Coco

Bird loves a good head scratch ;)
Sunday morning was an early start with a game then again her reffing 2 more games before the awards and load up to come home. The wind had again blew the smoke away which was the only good part seeing the sunshine.

However once back home and unloaded it was too crappy to do work outside which has a long list of things to do ;( It did work to get showered , eat a good supper and catch up on a few more Game of Thrones episodes while Britt got cold feet packing up for her big head to college day tomorrow.

Friday, August 28, 2015

bale elevator score

Today is the thickest and strongest smoke smell yet, I can't imagine what it would be like close to the fires. Since it was a stay inside day it became a tidy and small chores day. Britt again lulled till noon, not long my lovely and you will need to be up for classes bright and early.

Kaylin had sent an update the the largest Sephora in Canada opened yesterday. It is just across the hall from the old on in Market Mall where she has worked for 3 years this coming January. Also forgot to say Britt worked her last official day yesterday. Good bye cash flow!
Sharon and Shelby stopped after lunch to check out and purchase the accent table. In less than 24 hours of posting it was gone, thanks girls.
After they headed off with their new treasure I ventured to a neighbors who had a wood pile they were getting rid of. Note to self, don't wear flip flops to scour thru an old wood pile and take a hammer! I used other boards and my balanced precariously body weight to pry boards off frames. In the end I just got about 6 so will see if they can become the plan I have in mind. With the heavy smoke cover I thought it much cooler than the 27 degrees, no thick hoody required ;)

The heat had me watering the garden now the zucchini are finally growing but sadly only 1 beet and about 3 carrots came up. I guess there are potatoes to dig yet and I had lots of cilantro and dill I never used allot of.

Britt was off to get a spray tan just as the wind rolled in around 5. Sheldon got home not long after and once we ate a quick supper we were off south by Cayley to pickup a bale elevator bucking wind as we went while Britt stayed home and rode preparing for the w/e tournament but riding in the smoke and wind was hard on both.
Britt has the best employers, here is a flower from Studio 86 and Target gave her a stack of gifts as well, and they both said she can work on days home, lucky girl!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

smoke still in the air

How sad and scary for the forest fires burning, I think 3 firefighters have lost their lives already. Our smoky air is a small price to pay for such loss. The index is very high today so no riding for us.
guard dog alerted me to bale infiltrators but after a quick call to the farm boss, he found out it was one of his buyers loading 10, good job Lola!
The coral table got a final coat of poly and once dry staged for sale

Britt was up at noon enjoying a sleep in day before her fast approaching college schedule. She got more stuff packed before she has to work at 4.

I unhitched the horse trailer, loaded the many bags of trash and bust up composter, my furniture and gifts and was off to town. The 10/4 shift has lots of blue chores added to my list but filling the truck with fuel ended up not being one without the cardlock card left in truck lol

I am appalled at the prices of drugs and cant imagine people without coverage. The dermatologist prescribed 2 creams, one was $78 for a small bottle and the other was $207 for a tube!! HOLY COW! Crazy how much of the cost must be used for kickbacks.

I dropped the nightstand at the boutique for display, the order for the gal up north at a relative, tried to restock poly but Rona does not carry out here ;( I also fit in a chiropractic adjustment too before meeting Coreena and Sharon to celebrate C's birthday. Always such fun to catch up with these two, I miss that most about not working together for sure. Happy cake day Coreena!

I got back home just before Britt was home from work, it was not long and she was changed and off to a party down the road while I caught a few more The Foster's episodes.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

long night

The coyotes were awful last night pestering for the longest time, At 2 am they were taunting terribly and when I tried to call Lola in just in case they got branchy, she came to the recall quick then whipped around and back out to pressure them with her barking. At 3 am I finally got them both to come in, even Big D was worked up over the ruckus they were causing.

I was then awake at 8 thinking I might over sleep my time to leave for the city. Britt was up before 9 as she has to work at 9:30 again. I was off to the city after getting dogs fed up and stuff loaded and waking Shaina for her 11 am shift, then I was on the road at 10:30. Thinking it was another warm smoky day I dressed in shorts and a blouse but at last minute grabbed a cardigan, good thing, most of the day was cool and about 19 but it did get up to 22 late on the way home.

Naturopath, dermatologist, quick return to Saje at Southcenter (which was being renovated and chaotic) then stopping at my 2 favorite stores Winners and Home Sense but today was fire drill day so alarms constantly beeping really cut short the looking so no treasures for me. While a compound was made I I ran to Costco and Ikea but it was ridiculous the amount of people out on what must be last week before school starts shopping agendas.. UGH! The roads are all being ripped up and traffic issues.. I was happy to be heading home by 4:30.
 love this canvas
 forgot to mention the car rolled over 1000 kms ;)
I arrived just in time to say hi/bye to Britt who was off to a movie with her buddy Jayden. I guess it really is count down to back to school for so many. After unpacking, putting another coat of white glaze on the table I took the dogs for a walk. By now the sun in setting and getting dusky by 8:30, how sad but the cacophony of coyotes howling even then may be an indicator of tonight's lack of sleep. Perhaps Mutt & Jeff will just come in at bedtime ;)
 not a bad variety of beer and beverages in such a clean fridge heh?
 they always make me laugh when they come along on the walks