Tuesday, June 30, 2015

last day june 2015

A storm rolled in during the night. A loud clap of thunder had Coco scurrying so I followed her to the basement where she quickly peed her self and my carpet... bad Coco. The next 10 minutes were spent carpet cleaning after tucking her in her thunder kennel then back to bed. It was really good to see some rain even if not a huge amount.

A slower start to the last day of June getting up at 9, enjoying a coffee while waiting for Britt to get home and help load the 2 Colorado bound horses to the vets. The coggins test and assessment did not take long and we had them loaded back up and off to grab a bolt cutter as it seems our mail box lock was attempted to be cut off but not completely.

Sheldon snapped this picture of Lola and her silly smile face, what a dog

Back at the ranch we put the horses in the temp hot wire pen to keep cleaning it off as well as get them used to it too. It was not long before they broke out! dam!

A great opportunity presented itself when a customer suggested to her friend in town who runs a store to contact me. She wanted to have me showcase some pieces and cross post each others pages. Sheldon and I loaded 5 bigger pieces up and were back to town. Once unloaded there we got fuel and cut the bolt off at the mail before heading home.

Britt managed to take the 2 horses out and reload with 2 others then. I also finished up more top coats, brought the end tables in, staged and posted.

The enclave got a dinging out and scrub ready to put at the approach
The Schmitt family arrived back from their travels to enjoy a fun filled family supper and social hours evening. 

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