Friday, June 19, 2015

Baby leaves the ranch

Today was slated for family photos with the amazing Dainya Sapergia. I had Lola booked in for her first grooming to look all pretty for this so Sheldon was kind enough to help me load her (Diego and Coco loaded themselves excited for a road trip) and drive while I made sure she was calm. She was very nervous but did great. We made a quick stop at the vet side to weigh her (34.1 kgs) before dropping her with Cara the groomer. The other 2 were quite happy to go thru Tim's drive thru but sad they no longer give dog timbits.
although pouring elsewhere, this is the ranch weather

Back at the ranch I caught Baby, the family is buying her with a week return option. Britt got dressed and came out to ride and visit with her before her departure. The mom and youngest son arrived and after a bareback double demo and visit, we loaded her up and she was off to her new home with little people.

It was not long after that, Lola was finished her spa day. Britt came along with us to town to pick up and deposit her pay check, sign the boat over to Sheldon so he could register it in his name now the official airport car. Lola was super excited to load back up in the boat and cruise around on the errands.

Sheldon got to work on detailing the boat while I worked on dark waxing the cupcake table. Britt napped before finally getting out to ride Birdy. We had spent most of the day trying to decide if pictures were on, storms rolled thru the south and Calgary and when in town it was dark but at the ranch there was nothing. We cancelled and the beauty day continued ;( It is however rescheduled for next Thursday so fingers crossed it too is a beauty.
Since pictures cancelled Britt thought about going to her ball tournament but since she had told them she was booked they filled up all the girl spots. She stayed home to join  us for the most delicious steak and crab dinner with potatoes and fresh garden dill!

The night was so lovely it called to us all. Britt and I went out to condition this time she took KD for Shaina, Sheldon walked the dogs to explore the crops situation mainly ;) Once ponies were hosed and fed we attempted to have a rum on the deck just after 9:30 but the weather turned to crap forcing us inside. Fast & Furious 7 rounded out the night!

1 comment:

  1. It must be sad to see Baby leave. It was nice of Britt to visit Baby before she was taken by her new owners. Your ranch looks really clean and well taken cared off as well as your horse and dogs. Thanks for sharing us a bit of a view of a life in the ranch.

    Darren Lanphere @
