Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Shaina is legal world wide

Wednesday started with coffee in bed and a tour of Sunshine's plant via their new drone. (click on June 2015 one to watch)

Today is little miss Shaina's 21st birthday. Happy Birthday my lovely. I am so proud of the lovely lady you have become! XOXO
I started painting the entry table I had scrubbed up and then sprayed the coffee table again, this time including the top as my plan like most of the projects changed part way thru.

 not my usual blue.. this is a khaki green
top added to paint color now
frolicking in the mist
Sheldon caught up on mail and internet but then loaded trash and cardboard and was off to town for errands and a massage just before lunch. I finished up my painting and came in after 1, it wasn't long a a big dump of rain came down, yahooo!!!

the wee youngsters was entertained for hours in this puddle

and then it seems I did not latch the door correctly when letting Coco out so she ventured in to say hi, this is a swipe of her tail against the door, I did not capture the floor nor her need to submissive pee when I caught her inside ;)
I staged Shaina's birthday present quick, this was the project I did the other morning I could not show. It is a perfect holder for nail polish, small lotions, essential oils etc and can stand or be hung

Jamie and Olivia stopped to pick out vanity colors and have a visit. Sheldon arrived home with teas, thanks followed by Britt. Just after Jamie headed home Amanda and the kids arrived for Shaina's birthday supper. Shaina and Kaylin were delayed due to traffic but soon arrived. A nice birthday celebration and visit. Gail stopped out just after 7:30 joining the girls heading back to the city for a concert and Amanda hauled the kids home.
Switch found the gate open and only pushed it far enough to eat some grass, she has yet to learn the escape plan from the others with an open gate

Time to clean up, thanks to Sheldon for washing pots & pans while Britt did her laundry and I kept you all up to date. He was then down to big TV to finish his hockey he was watching while washing.
guess who was at camp today up north

I had a few lost emails or so I thought and had errors happening, when I contacted efirehose they claimed all is working fine but after mom sent a confirmation of one sent but never arrived I got on web mail ... 129 just from kuhnklan were sitting there since may 12, many of them from interested buyers for the totes and Baby. WTH, if only there were competition to rural high speed. Any way I answered a few recent ones and sent the best email to be able to contact us at, please change so we dont miss anymore. Once I got thru that I went out sanded and sprayed the coffee table again and then did the dreaded job of cleaning up my sprayer after using oil based paint. Latex is hard enough, note to self.. READ CAN before pouring in!

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