Saturday, January 31, 2015

Flames win

SNOW was the morning greeting and lots of it. Seems we timed our trip just right getting safely home and traveling in great weather. The temp now is -12 but it will get lower by evening. The snow came down thru the morning.

It was a slow start for all, I updated the blog for last 4 days while Sheldon went out to snap the couple mez pics. He cleared snow from walks while out there too. The girls had a really slow start but eventually arose to have lunch. They ran to town after to pick up Shaina's jeep that had command start installed and hit the tanning salon before Britt was back.

Even once the sun came out it still softly snowed creating a good layer across the pastures. So much so it caused a booby trap over the "pond", Britt ran out to feed Julio and during a quick run back to protect his bowl she biffed 'er followed soon by poor Daisy who did a crazy leg scramble going down hard. Pepper did a smaller version behind but then the rest starting with Bird got smart and took another route around.

Sheldon and I watched a couple episodes of Marco Polo before we were off to the city to take in the first Flames game in forever. Tonight is another battle of Alberta against the Oilers, same battle we missed at New Years. We stopped at Tony Roma's before to use up a gift card, Thanks Grama & Papa. Sadly Tony's is lacking ambiance, taste and service of the other yummy establishments in the area. It was then time to get parked and get to the dome. By now it was COLD at -25.
here is my cold beverage drink holder during the game and below my view for most of it, blocked by a darn big cowboy hat, just my luck..
The game started out slow and not in Calgary's favor but eventually they pulled it together and got the win 4-2. We met with Sheldon's co-worker and friends in Duttons (a long hike up to our seats each time lol, lower bowl only next time) between periods and donated our cash to the 50/50. We cruised thru the casino after the game before heading home in the bitter cold; a Tims stop helped that :) We arrived home after midnight just after Britt and her 2 friends who had gone to the movies and were having a sleepover.

Friday, January 30, 2015

grad dress success

Up early to head south, today is Britt's big day to find a grad dress. Sheldon decided at last minute not to go opting to stay home and work on mez floor as forecast calls for cold temps next 5 days. Shaina, Britt and I were loaded with our snacks and coffee and were out the gate about 8:45 am.

DJ Shaina entertained us with her song selections down. We stopped for gas (75.9 now) and a tea in Lethbridge before off to the border. Once thru it was about 45 minutes to Conrad to The N Thing dress store for 1 pm. This is where both Kaylin and Shaina found their dresses for their grads.
Britt tried on about 20 dresses and narrowed it to 3.. a quick bite to eat at the local "hole in the wall diner" and back to pick the dress of her dreams. It just so happened to be the first one she tried on too. We were off for home after scoring some cheap beer and the dress by 4. The border crossing guard kindly let me thru with my over spending in 4 hours, thanks buddy and soon we were Strathmore bound making another stop in Lethbridge for gas and a tea to get us home. Two movies passed the time quick on the way home and we passed back thru the ranch gates almost 11 hours to the minute later.
 when stuck, get your sister to try one on for you to see
 top 3 choices she had
Britt was excited to try on her dress as did Shaina who even put on Kaylin's for nostalgia sakes. A celebration cheap beer was enjoyed (I scored 60 beer for $42!!) before hot bath and Marco Polo. The girls watched movies downstairs after a successful dress shopping day!

note Shaina did not think I had her smiley face in the pic below :-)

Sheldon worked on the mez floor for the day and this is his progress.. which he is very proud of I am to add :-)

Thursday, January 29, 2015

fogged in day

Foggy morning, it was much colder through the night, I let Lola out just after 4:30 am and it was -3. She was excited to come in when Sheldon popped out to feed them in the morning. He hooked up the dump trailer and was off to the city in the thick fog later in the morning as I stayed home and worked on the dresser. Before heading out I threw chicken breasts in the slow cooker for a yummy supper Deb makes I hope to recreate.

2 more coats of top coat on the stain and HOURS of body work sanding painting, sanding and painting again, GRRRRR I now remember why I dislike white chalk paint. It takes 3 coats and then they can lift if not exact moisture content and to much fiddling and with OCD perfectionism it is NOT a good color. I wanted a crisp clean white body but see this will most likely not be the case as with such a bright color EVERY leach mark shows thru too UGH.
I was working on it when Britt left for town before 2 to work at 3 and still working on it when Sheldon got home at 4:30! I did manage to top coat the 4 chairs I spray painted in between and do a bit of health insurance work in between drying times but the majority of my time was this darn dresser. Currently I have changed my mind about keeping! The sun peeked thru a wee bit around 4 but soon was swallowed up by the fog.

Sheldon kicked back on the couch to catch up on his phone but called me in out of my frustration to join him for a drink. He then went out to lay a few sheets on the mez floor while I started to put together my enchiladas. This turned into another epic fail ;( Not wanting to call it a complete fail I adapted and made a enchilada casserole , time will tell how it tastes.

As it turns out, the casserole tasted yummy, needed more sauce but definitely worth making again, Thanks Deb! A gal stopped while we were eating late to pick up a dresser I was purging then after we finished we watched another Marco Polo. Britt was home from work, ate some casserole before heading back to town to pickup Shaina who is staying for a few nights.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

vet visit

Another successful sleep outside for Miss Lola. I painted another coat of white on the dresser drawers then ran to the city for an appointment and Costco run. Britt was just getting up at 11 as I left. She did manage to walk the dogs and throw a bale for the horses while spending another day relaxing. She left for work just after I got home and was unloading groceries.

I finished up the base sides on the dresser but had to touch up more on the front with primer and allow to dry. Sheldon arrived home around 7 to eat a bit before we started another new series recommended by Coreena called Marco Polo. He did not make it to the end but it does look like one we will enjoy. I watched another Call the Midwife as he slumbered and Britt arrived home from work.

Wednesday we awoke to cool looking grey skies, with Lola was curled up on the front step, that soon unleashed a wee snow squall. It did not last a long time but Sheldon took advantage of being a bit cooler to run a bale out to the horses before we loaded the dogs and were off to town for Lola's last set of puppy shots. Britt even managed to get up to come along. By now the sun was out and things were melting. We took Diego as a truck box companion mate and luckily the new truck had the sliding window for Britt to keep a grip on Lola's collar a few times. Diego enjoyed the fact he could basically be part of the gang in the truck.

Following the vet visit we ran a few errands to get senior feed for Julio, some new saw horse brackets for my paint projects, dog food and new collars, light bulbs for the range hood that our appliance place wanted $16/bulb for, Sheldon found for $3!! and of course a tea to top it off. A quick stop at the dump and mail box rounded off the dogs truck box tour.

A quick late lunch then Britt caught Bird and KD and she and I rode, outside and in the arena. Sheldon worked on some paperwork but ended up in the shop starting to lay the mezz flooring. Julio got to come for his first senior feed feast as the other two got their treats and Britt went to shower for work at 4 again. After I let them all back out I sanded the dresser base and vacuumed before putting first top coat on the stain now finally dried a couple days. A beer break with Sheldon and both of us finished our projects for the day.

I had just hopped out of the shower when Craig stopped for our financial update. This took almost 3 hours but there was lots of sidetracking to vacation stories and photo chuckles, this one of recent that makes us all laugh, this child is a nut!
Britt is going to a party and sleeping over at Brooke's after her work shift is done at 9. I quickly whipped up spaghetti and meat sauce for use before Sheldon showered up and we watched another Marco Polo to top off our busy day. Tonight it seemed to be cooler so Lola stayed in for the night.

Monday, January 26, 2015

riding in the arena

Lola spent her first night all alone outside, it was plus 6 I think at lowest or at least that when I woke up. She was quite happy and only patrolled till midnight barking lol

I had a lazy start to the day, Britt is finished all her finals last week so has this whole week off so slept in. She does work all week and off Friday when we plan to go to Great Falls grad dress shopping.

I did get busy putting another coat of java stain on the top then went back out to paint the drawers and body white before lunch. It is a new APC color called Uncle Sam and seems very white. Hope it looks good with the java.

After a quick snack I forced Britt to go outside and ride. Seeing she was having dog training issues I went out to cause a diversion, refill minerals for horses and ended up scooping a ton more soft gross dog mounds ;( It is my pet peeve and with 3 dogs, it seems there is a ton for sure.

In the shop Britt was working Bird so I threw ball passes to her while keeping the ball intent dogs at bay. Diego never bothered before but Lola seems to love the looks of the big pink ball so he doe now too.
 hard to get to tack room in the pond

 but we have green grass

Back in the garage, I sanded the white paint and touched up a few spots with sealer that leached thru. Britt was off to work for her 4 o clock shift. I got all dolled up with new leggings and necklace and put out snacks as my peeps were coming out for wings & beers at 5. Time flies as soon as we get together chatting over movies and world happenings and updates on each others busy lives.

Britt was home from work soon after the girls left and I was starting a new series on Netflix recommended by Sharon called Call the Midwife. It is really good and got in first 3 episodes.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

dresser project underway

So the temperatures stayed around plus 5 thru the night making for even LESS snow upon waking. It does seem to be soaking in well which is a good thing right? After a coffee and few games it was time to get the day going. The morning was spent sanding and removing hardware on an amazing old dresser. The curved dovetailed drawers with solid wood construction is not found much anymore. This piece is amazing and I think it might be a keeper once done, will see.
 look at the construction
 and wavy wood, swoon
Britt surfaced around noon and cooked up bacon and her famous omelets for us for lunch.
Back in the garage after lunch I moved to scrubbing and rinsing the beast of a dresser. Then strip and resand the top follow with a good wipe of mineral spirits then let dry.

I gave away the blue planter chair as a gift for one of my great customers, she stopped out to pick up as soon as I offered it to her.
I also got a chance to haul in and snap a picture of all my treasures from the picker and the TIOLI, yay!
 cool things right?
 glass knobs for my bathroom towel rack, more pretty insulators and a cute jewel box
 old door knob, divided drawer and crates!
Take it or leave it goodies, the old post Xmas sign lights work too, bonus!

Britt was forced out in the 13 degree sunshine to ride her horse & walk the dogs. The sunshine did not alter her mood nor did the animals so the grumpy B continued to do a list of chores in a foul mood. ;/ Crazy but I had the windows open today for some fresh air.. January 25!!
I whipped up goulash for supper for the two of us then was back out to stain the dresser top the dark java gel color. I love stained wood tops! Update the blog and stock list along with some accounting followed by a nice hot shower then to finish off Dexter!!
Britt retreated to the TV room after eating and forced to finish chores claiming this was her day off, sorry sweets!