Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sunny Saturday Oct 18

Britt and I were up before the crack of dawn, actually I awoke at 4 and had troubles getting back to sleep! We were off to town at 7:30 early in order to get our tim hortons breakfast and be at meeting spot for 8. It was an amazing sunrise to see, worth the early wake up! Coco however did not think much of the early morning so when sent out just scratched to get back in. This caused a bit of worry as gone for a long day and seeing we were loaded up with food and drink and sitting at the meeting spot in the dark at 7:45 we zipped home to force her outside to go.

We were even back at the meeting spot just in time to jump in and head off to Hanna for he polocrosse clinic day. It turned out to be an amazing day with sun and at times a warm wind. Mom drove over to give us a hand and by 3:30 we had taught 30+ the fabulously fun game and think some might be hooked to try again. It was also nice to catch up with a few "old" friends and see their kids enjoying the sport.
We arrived back in town about 5:30, grabbed supper at Opa and some more supplies at Rona and blasted back to the ranch. Now it seems it was a nice plus 22 day here to and after sitting with all blinds open the house was a cozy 26 degrees lol maybe the in floor tile heat I turned on when cold added too, opps

We quickly ate then Britt was off to the gym for a workout and my super excited friend Sandra and her crew came to pick up her new (my favorite to date) dresser and the rustic canister set. Once loaded I enjoyed a hot shower and relaxing evening, whew, what a long and busy day!

oh yes Aaron was in his first fitness and fashion competition, he did a great job and plans to try another, way to go Aaron!

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