Friday, October 24, 2014

lights in the shop

Friday was another early start for Sheldon and I, after a quick coffee and loading recyclables we blasted to town for his 9 am dental cleaning. Britt had a flex Friday and after such a long week of volunteering, jobs and school she slept in awaking just in time to get to her dental cleaning at noon.
After dropping Sheldon off, I stopped at the rummage sale to find yet a few more goodies and had success ;-) After picking up Mr clean teeth we made a quick stop at Tims taking a tea to Miss Shaina who took a shift at Roadhouse today. She kindly picked up a mirror, a HUGE mirror it turned out on her way home last night and may or may not have got a red light ticket on the way too. The thank you tea was exchanged for the mirror and off to Amanda's.
She kindly colored my hair, blew it dry and curled it up all pretty. What an awesome sister, THANKS AJ!! XOXO I got to enjoy Ada snuggles during the process as well, lucky me. Sheldon ran errands getting more supplies. We got home around 1 as Britt was getting home from her dental appointment. She showered up as work starts at 3.
I hauled the freshly painted table outside and snapped a few photos to post before putting back inside. It seems the beauty days are to come to an end this w/e, boo!
After lunch and a nap (and not feeling well) Sheldon went to hang the first 3 light fixtures in the shop. I too did not feel well most of the morning but spent the afternoon moving furniture up for the sale and tagging them. I created some cute tags and cut out some business cards too.
 lights go in.. 1
and 3.. check out this unique scaffolding!

Shaina stopped out after work to shower and get ready for a party tonight, She will stay at Jenna's tonight but always good to have banter with this feisty child before she was off and running. After bowing out of our good friend Roxie's 50th birthday and our polox AGM, Sheldon cooked a yummy steak supper. It was most delicious and luckily we both were feeling better to eat it but it was late finishing up around 8 ;( It was then couch again and football for Sheldon while I updated the blog for last 4 days. He did take a run out to check the new lights in the dark.

Britt tried her hand at manual driving again after work but says still is quite terrible at it. I say it is the over achiever in her ;-) She spent rest of her night relaxing with her TV shows!

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