Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve!! shooting lessons

New Years eve.. ended 2014 with a great sunrise (which we missed lol) and a balmy 0. Britt was feeling a bit better but slugged away the day in bed or watching TV. Sheldon and I went out in the sunshine to teach me how to shoot a rifle. I have only ever shot a gun once before and it was with him, however he had a large shotgun shell which nearly took out my shoulder and it was the only time I tried, and it was about 30 years ago.

This time it was not to bad, a bit of kickback but it seems all 4 of my bullets were in the target area!! The dogs enjoyed the time with us outside. Britt ventured out for a brief moment but soon headed back in.

 sight it in
 a little on gun safety
take the shot
 check the target
 the peanut gallery looks on..
 and S mocks my unique way to wear hearing protection but it works for me!
 now my turn to give it a go
 shear comfort while shooting heh?
 checking accuracy
 mine are the x and his are circles.. not bad for my first 4 shots I say! and at 130 yards
and we also found the bullet shown here right at bottom of picture where it came to rest after skipping thru bale and snow!

I purged my closet and posted a ton online all free, no need for work clothes anymore! This is a great way to start the new year too.

Watching Canada Juniors beat USA was the next order of business of course with a cold beer or 2. It was then time to change clothes and head to town. Although we cancelled our big plans, I was hoping to get the last meal to be one I did not have to cook! After 2 weeks of nurse maid and chef I was all in to eat a nice meal someone else created. The sunset was STUNNING and lasted for such a long time! fantastic way to take out the year, our own personal fireworks display

Sheldon and I were off to town meeting Shaina at the Station for a yummy supper. Prime rib for us and lobster mac & cheese for the dude. Delicious and nice to not cook treat.

Before heading home I stopped to pick up a pair of velour leggings, which sadly turned out to be wrong color :(
Back at the ranch it was time to instruct Shaina how to paint with chalk paint on a jewel box she bought for her friend Jenna. Sheldon made us frosty jumbo paralyzers to celebrate while doing so.

Britt even got motivated and claimed feeling better. Well enough to be Shaina's chauffeur for the night. After much begging she was allowed to go on the premise, minimal time and NO kissing ;-) She says she followed the 2nd rule but Shaina drug out the time one however both were safely back home by 1.
Sheldon spent the night moaning how he was missing the hockey game which was NOT on our cheap satellite package. He tried to find it streaming online but no luck so followed with the phone updates! The flames started out losing but managed to come back and win in overtime making the cancelled date even that much more bitter. We spent the rest of the evening relaxing which was ok too.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

December 30th

Tuesday -21 upon waking, coffee in the making (which has not been had last few mornings) found poor Britt stricken with the flu! I quickly dosed her with gravol to prevent puking which would be horrible on those fresh scabs as well as a diarrhea stopper. This kid cannot afford to lose any more weight!
She was slated for her last massage of the year today too ;( seems like Sheldon wins as he had room left on his benefits to use it, lucky duck! I too was feeling crappy again..what the hell! This flu is the gift that keeps on giving! but not in a good way. It looks like our Flames Vs Oilers New Years Eve plans are called off as we don't want the Gosling household catching this ;(
Sheldon was off to town while I started yet more laundry. Maybe the new year will bring me a maid ;) Once back from town, with a tea ;-) we had a quiet afternoon. Hockey started late afternoon thru to evening while I caught up on Parenthood. Only 4 episodes remain in the series starting back up in the new year.
I managed to get some jello and soup into Britt at supper time, we had yummy tacos with a side of cold beer. Got to love gravol! Britt spent allot of the day puking, by supper she said she felt paralyzed the poor thing. Her face is looking like an anorexic ;(

Ok so it seems I do need a maid, I forgot to mention to Sheldon that fancy clothes like silks, linens and wool need special laundry and we girls keep out of hampers to ensure they get that. I just threw his hamper in the wash sans jeans as all are darks on cold and into the dryer as per usual. Well his 2 new wool sweaters might fit Asher.. or say short but wider like a midget! And as a kicker he only wore them each ONCE! Maybe I can find a short and wide homeless person needing a nice warm sweater or two. So it is back to wash and wear clothes for the Prince.

We did mange to change all the beds downstairs including the wee sickling while she was in a hot bath. Hope that helps her feel fresher after what is almost 2 weeks laid out in bed, she says she needs a chiro treatment she is so stiff from laying. 2015 is going to be looking much rosier as all this heals and passes!
just a few past pictures to share as nothing from today

On a plus note, at 10 pm as I post this it is -4!!!! Nice.... big swing from am to pm today

Monday, December 29, 2014

last Monday of 2014

Last Monday of 2014 was a cold one, -16 when we awoke at 9. Second night Britt did her own pills and a good 7 hours for me. She is down to just Tylenol and only during the day, last night she didn't take any. All good signs of healing for sure.

A quick shower and soon Asher & Ada arrived for a visit while Craig and AJ ran to the city. We played toys, ate candy as well as lunch (them eating tons of ham! I dont mind sharing that ;-)) and started Sponge Bob Movie before they were picked up.
 Dr Ada at your service...

Britt had a slow start to her day while Sheldon plugged in skid steer in am and fed ponies a bale after lunch. A regular customer popped over for a load of bales too. Britt and I ran to town to finish up my legging party, do a return and deposit & pick up flowers Grama and Papa sent her for surgery. She was most excited to experience her first flower shop trip. She also chose a hamburger for supper so we grabbed A&W burgers and Tims and were off for home. A quick stop to feed Bones before home too.
Britt chose oriental lilies, so pretty

She even managed to get the entire burger down though it took a bit and enjoyed over her Kardashian TV marathon. Sheldon and I watched the Canada junior hockey win for evening's entertainment while he trouble shooted a new Xmas light timer issue and I worked on some game levels too. The temperature was dropping even more hitting low of -22, brrr

Today would have been Ashley's 40th birthday so I scanned just a few pictures to share, we all miss this guy! Happy birthday in Heaven big Ash! XOXOXO

Sunday, December 28, 2014

blustery sunday

Sunday was a blustery day. Britt was up and off to work for 9. Luckily she has has been getting each day and when I checked in on her later in the am, she said she felt good. Sheldon however was still ailing spending most of the day in bed or on a couch!

My stomach still was queasy but was able to drink ice tea and eat some Miss Vicky's which gave me the cleaning motivation. As well it was time to update the blog for last 5 days as there was no time to even look at the computer.

The holiday season has been lots of fun. I was happy to have almost everyone from both sides of the family be able to spend it together. Only Sheldon's brother Darren and family did not come to join in the merriment.

It seems that Candace and the boys, Travis, Vance and Grama Pat also got the flu yesterday too. The season of giving for sure :)

Sadly we missed neighbor Gosling's skeet shoot party, flu and weather not so conducive but I was anticipating learning to shoot.

Here are some pieces I did for Kaylin for Christmas that I could not show when done
 a jumbo jewel chest and antique makeup chair in her favorite color
Shaina has a chair in production, the same one but it will be finished in black.

As I continued to clean and sort, I made turkey soup, YUMMY and rolled and baked Brittany's sugar cookie dough.. another yum. She made it home from work after 3 and went for a nap, gobbled up some soup, fed Stouts dog and enjoyed TV feeling much better finally.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Flu arives

Sunny Saturday morning I awoke with the flu! How lucky am I it was not anytime sooner. It was inevitable though with the Paetz family all stricken with it the days prior as were a few others. I got all the nebulizers running to help combat then spent part of the day in bed. Sheldon feeling fine watched hockey while Britt felt even a bit better. She and I watched Mission Blue, check it out on Netflix!
 Britt out checking ponies as Lola was keeping guard
Thankful for gravol, I ran to town to sit the kids from about 3-9. Luckily they were happy to play or snuggle and watch kids videos.

While I was gone, Sheldon and Britt drove over to feed Stouts dog while gone on vacation but soon after it seems Sheldon was starting to feel unwell and by the time I got home, he was clearly dying :-) (karma for saying I was faking it I believe)
tonsil update... ick

I had to put Britt in charge of her own pills thru the night, first night in 10 I wasn't up administering every 4-6 hours and I slept from 10-8! Wow did that feel good and really helped me rejuvenate all around.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Boxing Day

Boxing day continued the celebration. Paetz's & TJ returned taking in a huge bacon eggs and pancake breakfast for 18. Dale & Stacie ran to town to catch some deals but didn't have much luck.

 these 3 rascals snuck D in for a Christmas rub ;)

The day was spent visiting and playing games, eating and relaxing. By 6 all headed home leaving me to start stripping beds to launder, tidy the house, fold up bags etc. I got a chance to check out the lovely gifts I received, THANKS!! XOXOX Britt made sugar cookie dough up with a hankering after reading a magazine. |Then Sheldon, Britt and I curled up to enjoy How to Train Your Dragon 2. 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas to all, the festivities continued with more arriving to share in the celebration. During breakfast/brunch of our famous sausage some gifts were open, games were started along with another fire.

Britt and Shaina went to feed the ponies a special treat for Christmas - nice shorts Dude!

Sadly Aaron had to leave for more family events on his side. As he headed off Amanda and her gang arrived followed soon by Grama & Papa, Candace and the boys and Dale and his gaggle. Many laughs were had as games and visiting were underway. Uncle Ron drove over to join us for supper as well. I believe there were 22 for supper, making it our record inside sit down meal to date.

Shaina was kind and curled my hair, Thanks sweets!

 Papa brought all the dogs a rawhide bone.. according to size of course.. here he shows Diego's!

Britt managed to spend a bit more of the day up celebrating, even partaking in games when all stuck for the answer with her gravelly whisper voice.

Grama, Papa & Ron left as the Chinese gift exchange got underway. Kaylin then had to head back home as she works Boxing Day ;(. The Paetz's mozzied back to town as well but a handful stayed up till 1:30 ish playing games and visiting, including TJ who made the the foggy drive back to town so late.

Merry Christmas friends and family!