Sunday, April 7, 2013

711 - snow on Sunday

Day 711 is -2 dreary day with blowing but not accumulating bouts of snow, more of a pain in the rump kind of day. Sheldon did go to storage trailer to get me another coffee table after his lazy morning of coffee, baileys and candy crush but claimed it was too cold to stay and organize the trailer.

I spent the day working on projects yet again. The cold weather allows for lots of garage time for me although it is only 12 in there and could be warmer. I washed down an old chair and the latest custom coffee table with TSP water.

Put two coats of poly on the growth charts

And painted the old chair.. it is going to be so cute
Britt got up at noon and cooked perogies and bacon then retreated back to her basement for another rest. She tells me she did not watch TV today but over the last little while She has nearly gotten thru 5 seasons of Beverly Hills 90210 in between tons of movies. Darn netflix.
While I put a 2nd coat on the turquoise chair and hand painted words on a sign, Britt and Sheldon worked on removing the tint on her cars back window. This was a tedious time consuming job after the initial ripping off of tint. There was a layer of glue that they tried a steamer, glass cleaner, nail polish remover and finally successful with methyl hydrate.

I came in and made a salmon and quinoa supper and after we all filled up good it was relax time. I had a nice hot shower and enjoyed computer time, Britt watched TV and Sheldon and his tab played games. I managed to score another accent table on the bidding site and posted more furniture on kijiji. I have had interest in the grey dresser just need to move some stuff.
By late evening there was a good ground cover of snow :-( booo I was chatting with Shaina online and she said hot and sunny there but would trade me for a bit as she misses the snow. I am in!! She attended "The Man From Snowy River" competition this weekend and it was really good. It is similar to cowboy up here but of course much harder. Here is her quote "It's like what we watched at stampede I think but it's three days long and the winner gets 20 grand prize money and a saddle and stuff".... after being there she said "It was pretty awesome. All the finalists were close. Top 10 had to catch a brumby and then ride a bronc while cracking a bull whip and you were judged on all events"

Not long and she will be home to practice it on her wild brumbies :-) Miss you Dude! XOXOXOXOXO

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