Monday, April 29, 2013

733 - Britt drives solo to school

Day 733 was Britt's first day to test her solo driving and she was up and off early to school.. or town at least by 8! I got busy putting the first coat of poly on the tables before my buddy arrives. I also vacuumed main floor as it had lots of spring dust and dirt. The grass however continues to get greener each day!

Craig dropped Asher off at 11:30 and he and I fed the 2 ponies, we tried pitching hay but it was so windy the hay blew south as soon as it hit ground. Inside we set up the new computer. Isn't it compact and tidy looking?
 my desk has never been so clean
 my helper

 shows some of his faces

Sleet storm rolled in at 2 just as Asher went for a nap, yuck! There were storms off and on all afternoon. While he napped I put the 2nd coat of poly on and continued to try and set up new computer.

Britt watched TV once safely home driving on her solo day and Asher found it fun to play "pool" while she was down there with him. Asher loves his buddy Coco (aka Toko)

Craig arrived at 6 bringing steaks for supper, Amanda rolled in at 6:25 and Sheldon soon after. Today was Amanda's last day of work before the baby arrives. We enjoyed a lovely steak supper even in the hurricane winds. Finally at 8 the wind died down and Britt, Asher and I headed out to feed horses.
 I think the orange toque is a must any time I have him outside, I can find him anywhere!
and of course he has to ride a few ponies.. alone
and show me more emotion faces and below trying a lime!
They left for their home after 10.

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