Monday, April 1, 2013

705 - April Fools Day

Day 705 was a sleep in day, yahoo!! No work for Sheldon today and Britt and I start our vacation. I was up by 9 on the ipad but by 10:30 both Sheldon and I were out in the kitchen with coffee and creamer! :-) I started a pot of turkey soup and a load of laundry.

Britt was awake at 11 getting a call to work today. She was soon up and caught Julio and Bird making them their special food while I trimmed their feet. She then hustled inside to get ready for work at 3. (early but guess takes her a while :-))

Sheldon eventually came out into the sunshine and graded the road and yard again as I moved on to trimming trees. It seems we cant win for losing as a few of the trees have deer rubbing damage :-(
 Bird playing in the "pond" below Coco loves spring

Sheldon ran quickly over to Matt's to measure up something electrical he wants his help doing. When he ran Britt to work he also did some errands including picking up another project for my list and returned with a tea too!

I put the first coat of paint on the table bottoms finishing as he arrived home. He helped pick the turkey meat off the bones while I chopped veggies. It was delicious and has to be one of my favorite parts of a turkey, home made soup!

there is a big sink hole and it sucked up a ton of water today, hard to see really in this photo but it just ran in all day, must be heading to the aquifer below

After soup I ran out and caught Daisy to trim her up. Sheldon was kind enough to come out and help me by holding her and passing farrier tools. He then caught KD and I trimmed her up too. Time to then unload the armoire in the storage trailer, thank goodness the ground has been drying so fast we could drive over with little ground disturbance. By now it was after 8 and Britt had left several messages and calls saying she was done work by 8. Sheldon went to retrieve her while I put a 2nd coat of paint on the tables before hitting a hot soak in the tub!
 incredible sunset yet again

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