Thursday, February 28, 2013

673 - "upside down"

Day 673 is the last day of February photo challenge and the theme is upside down. Of course the photo I posted a couple days back fits it perfect. Miss coco pre haircut cooling off
Today was also a big day for Sheldon, today he handed in his resignation. Twelve years after moving here he is ready to take on a new challenge. He loves to start up new plants and challenge his engineering skills so this is a great move for him yet again. This will turn his daily work world upside down too! :-)

I was lucky enough to have a massage at one today after working the morning. Here i too was upside down for a portion of it, hahahaha. Back at the ranch I finished up a few accounting bill payments and such before having a celebratory rum with Sheldon when he arrived home from work.

Britt stayed in after school to work. Sheldon picked her up at 8:30

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

672 - "playing"

Day 672 is playing day. if it was spring it would be easy, polcrosse pets etc but today it is frosty foggy overcast day that eventually allowed the sun to shine.

Work was a fast morning then I ran home quick at noon to let the dogs out before I jetted to Calgary. I was meeting Kaylin for lunch at Beir Haus 1600 after her spin class but first stopped to grab a new remote for the garage door on the way. It was a nice lunch. I miss her face living at home to but glad we see her now and then. I finally got to give her the fantastic Valentines day gift. along with the jumbo twizzler bag this adorable statue of Miss Lexi, Ashers favorite statue to pet.
After our lunch I bustled to my first mammogram ever and 2nd bone density appointment. Kaylin headed home to enjoy the rest of her day off. She has been fortunate enough to work 6/7 days last week and I think 5 this week. Aaron comes home from work Sunday and starts his 4th year of welding classes on Monday.
Beck playing in the snow as I drove out
I was surprised how organized and kind the office was and they had me in and out in half hour, early for my next appointment. I stopped to see if I could get in early but no luck so I went and grabbed a banana beach booster juice and window shopped for a bit. I then enjoyed my last glycolic peel of my acne series.

It was now time to head to Costco but I had to pass HomeSense on my way. You just have to stop and of course I scored a few items, I love that store. Then I proceeded to Costco where again I managed to find more deals :-)

By 5:30 I grabbed a chai (another please play again) and drove east. I had to stop at Langdon to pickup some Pilates DVDs I bought off online garage sale site. By 6:30 I was safely home with my treasures. Sheldon was working on his twice baked potatoes to go with the rotisserie chicken I grabbed at Costco.

 Sheldon playing his game yet again
Britt had rode Pepper after school and ponied Bird then hit the couch to nap. She took much rousting to awake for supper but finally made it, cleaned dishwasher out and retreated back down. Bath and relax night for Sheldon and I, nice!

HAHAHA too funny

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

671 - "quiet"

Day 671 theme is quiet. Well without Shaina at home our house has been very quiet, no stories no squabbles between her and B no kids popping by.. darn we miss that kid!

Britt, Coco and I were off to town and seeing it was Tuesday I stopped to grab teas for work before dropping Coco off for her spa day. I also hung a few posters for auntie's bull sale too. After work I ran errands since it had been a bit since I was to town, bank library and Rona. I found some great mistints for my table project. Coco was ready all shaved up so grabbed her and long awaited groceries before heading home.
here she is "quietly'" resting

I created sweet and sour spareribs for supper from the new AV cookbook.


Britt walked the dogs begrudgingly before retreating to the basement once home form school. Sheldon scooped some dog doo after he had a few games of candy crush as incentive. I started my GST at 4 and finally finished around 8:30 just as Travis showed up for a visit. He headed home around 10 and it was relax time for all. While visiting Kaylin face timed me to show me her glowglam mask, a hot item at Sephora that is always sold out and when new stock comes in, is on hold if not sold. She really liked it and is bringing me a sample at our lunch date tomorrow.

Monday, February 25, 2013

670 - "on your bedside table"

Day 670 is a great theme. I have lots on my bedside table. Always an alarm clock, lamp, lip balm, hand lotion, nail file, note pad and pen (for all my late night notes) cell phone, ipad, to name a few. I have tried to go minimalist here but just cant. I find I just get into bed and need to fix a snagged nail, or my lips and hands are always dry or I have to write something down :-) The ipad has made a few others things possible in the comfort of our super comfy bed.. like reading my books with a  built in book light!
Today I was up early at 7 letting dogs out and making sure Britt was getting ready for the bus. Since I had the ipad I played a few games of candy crush and then skyped with Shaina. She is just over halfway done her tour group. She is finding it sure is not what it was hyped to be for the cost but again a lesson learned. She is enjoying the girls and the country though so all is good.

Mom had emailed her and Dad were on their way over with horses needing a manicure. I cleaned our bedroom and caught up on a few PVR episodes of Revenge. Last night the PVR machine started a fan at 3 am and eventually had to be unplugged to stop. I was worried it was turfed and all my recorded shows would be lost so best watch just in case it is having issues. The sinks needed a good cleaning anyway so good time to watch while cleaning.

Mom and Dad arrived at 11:30 with a Tims chai tea for me!! Thanks guys! I made a quick lunch for us and showed them my recent projects. Mom and I went out and she held horses while I trimmed them up. I had them on their way just before 2. They were stopping in town to visit Travis and Asher before heading home yet today.

I finally got my pizzelles made just as Sheldon and Britt got home. They are a family favorite and go like hot cakes..hahahaha. I also threw on a one pot chicken and rice for supper. It was nice to see Britt excited once home from school to load up her vanity, below is her making it her own look.

Craig stopped out at 6 to get an RRSP check and to visit and headed home at 8:30. Britt of course spent from after school until bedtime in the TV room other than eating and filling the vanity. Sheldon and I caught up on the season premier of Touch. Very glad it made it back, it is a good show.
 two cute city girls

Sunday, February 24, 2013

669 - "cloud"

Day 669 was a beauty day with a high of 6 but sunny all day. Sheldon was up early dropping Britt at work for 8 and then headed to Calgary to meet a friend. He was back with a tea by 10:30

I had started my day relaxing with a few candy crush games and watching some horse videos. I finished uploading and ordering my 362 st Lucia photos too. Not a bad way to start a Sunday.
snow dog loving last nights cover
Shaina posted a photo of her tattoo too, out little adventurer! and above at the orphanage

Around 11:30 we were fully underway making sausage. Sheldon and I managed to make 100 pounds in 6 hours. Grind the deer meat, mix with beef, spices and garlic water then pump out in the casings. Final step was to cut and wrap and put in the freezer. We tested each batch frying up a sample and that was our food for the day.. yikes, next time I will have some other prepared before hand. Beer did supplement it though and a yummy Chairman's rum to celebrate the finish.

There was a quick stop to run get Britt from work at 3, she was forced to turn the casing handle but after a few tubes we sent her to walk the dogs :-)
 lol not her happy face but rather I need to go to my TV room hahahaha
 here is my photo theme word cloud, click this one below and look at the eerie low clouds

shower and relaxing time for all followed! It is also our nephew Riley's birthday, Happy 16th birthday!!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

668 - "a word"

Day 668 was a rather slow day as my energy level was low. Today was about zero but the sunshine added more ice. However we all go up, loaded horses up and headed over to RJ for polocrosse practice at 10:30. Two of the ponies continue to have spring fever and for the most part Bird had a time out standing and waiting which made her even more stressed but it helped. KD performed her usual naughtiness but even with a sore head I took her for a couple spanking spins for Britt who herself was in a tizzy when they get goofy.

After practice it was home where Britt got ready for work. Photo theme today is a word.

Sheldon ran her to work picking up stuff to make sausage tomorrow and to grab teas. While he was gone I had a fellow drop out to buy the super nintendo system as well as a lady to buy skiis. Fairly profitable day for me.

For super I tried stir fried cabbage which was really good and Sheldon made scrambled eggs. HAHAHA it was a light supper for sure.
Sheldon watched hockey while I uploaded my many photo for St Lucia to have printed. A ground cover of snow arrived just after ten all fluffy and clean . I ran to town at 12:30 to pick Britt up from  friends birthday party she went to after work was done at 10:45!

Friday, February 22, 2013

667 - "something that makes you smile"

Day 667 is something that makes you smile, easy hands down was yesterdays picture of the pet walk!
Yes it is Friday and my day off and Britt's no school day too. She spent most the morning sleeping of course while I cleaned the vanity hardware and gave the wax layer a buff.

But I had her up helping me carry the vanity in and down to her room by 11:30. I think it turned out lovely but sadly she is not thrilled. Oh well, I said I can move to another room no problem.

Oh yes, Shaina also told me yesterday she is going to get a tattoo! Yes I tried to coerce her not to but in the end I am ok with a small compass ("cause she is an adventurer") on inside of her ankle. Sheldon however wants to triple check the tattoo place esp if in Thailand, "she does not need hepatitis!!" Guess we will see what our adventurer comes home with.

Britt walked the dogs and cat again before work today but one cat stayed after trying to catch up and giving up

Today after I take Britt in to work at 3 I am off to celebrate my boss of many years, Martin, farewell party. He and his wife are moving to Australia, what an adventure ahead for them. Sheldon will meet me at the party after he is done work too.

The party was a success, Britt was dropped at the Station after she finished work at 10:30 and Sheldon and her came home around 11:30, Coreena dropped me home at 2  ish

Thursday, February 21, 2013

666 - "full"

Day 666, sign of the devil they say has a full theme. When I think full I think beverage :-) I awoke to find even thicker fog today. I grabbed Tim's today on a Thursday, yes off my normal schedule for sure. For lunch we went to the Roadhouse with Martin and a couple other work guys to celebrate his future venture as Sharon is off on a vacation of her own and unable to attend tomorrow nights party.

I was home just after one and found Britt still SLEEPING! Oh my. the life of a teen girl. I had taken her pill to her before I left but reminded her now to get up and take another. A lady dropped by to try lacrosse equipment but her little guy was so tiny he did not fit the smalls.

I had told Britt last night that the dogs need exercise so sent her off to walk them today. It was funny to look out and see the cats trying to follow like the usually do, what quacks.
 they are so funny these 4 ok 5!
I ran her to work for 3:30 and it seems the gate area was a tad slippery :-). Shaina had messaged me today that yesterday the cement work came to a stand still when they were invaded by fire ants and there was a  snake in the grass.. HAHAHAHA got to love tropical countries. She is not enjoying the afternoon work portion of her volunteering as it is building in the heat while the children nap. The uninvited guests did not help toady!

Sheldon and I enjoyed a full beverage after work while dual tablet surfing and game playing.
A quick hamburger goulash supper for just Sheldon and I  then I went out to wax the vanity. This time I cracked open the expensive beeswax made on Vancouver island to give a try. It sure did smell like beeswax and did go on easier than the minwax paste. After an hour I went to buff but it was not quite dry so will finish tomorrow.

Sheldon ran to grab her from work at nine and since she had a big tip day (raking in $8) she bought herself and me a tea, THANKS Britt!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

665 - "where I stood"

Day 665 is themed where I stood, now this seems a bit harder. But I managed to come up with a photo.
My morning of work was busy but short as I picked Britt back up at the school about quarter after 11. We grabbed a quick A&W mozza burger combo each and off we headed to Hanna for one of the last dental visits. Today I had a bridge built in the chair and inserted and Britt had her ortho check, she is good for 4-6 months now :-)

Of course we left as snow started to come down and the fog continued.. The trip found snow covered roads, sun and more crappy weather. We also passed a bad accident at the 9/21 corner. Britt drove 90% of the drive getting in some miles before trying for her drivers in April. We were on the road home by 3:30 and arriving just after 5.

Sheldon was enjoying a cold beer after work. He brought in the girls lacrosse equipment as we are selling it and have a mom stopping out to try it on for her 3 boys. Britt ventured out in the cold to walk the dogs as Coco seems to have a tummy ache, darn metamucil is sold out in our local stores as some backlog by the company and we are out of pumpkin, Best get some.

Supper was meatless Wednesday or as I call it, forgot to take something out supper, so it was pasta. Cara and two of her boys stopped out to buy some lacrosse gear and a visit then it was back to games and hockey for Sheldon, computer for me and of course TV for Britt. Britt is now on break for teacher convention for next two days but works the next 4 days. She should have a nest egg for her car fund too.

Need feedback, thinking of painting this table .. white, black, a color, white and black??
It would be for sale so need to be universal appeal, I am thinking all white and Kaylin thinks all black.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

664 - "I am.." finished the farm table!!

Day 664, still brrr and foggy but at least the crazy wind that blew last night had ended. Today I only worked until just after 12 then met Craig at the ranch. He dropped Asher off on his way to work and me and the little man spent the afternoon together.
I am.. tired while driving home

He cracked me up with his little fingers maneuvering my ipad around finding netflix wanting a movie. Sadly my netflix was a preload and no movies but he was sure he recognized the app. Today we added a new toy to the shelf, Kaylin's remote control car. He tried a few times but found it d\frustrating and easier to push around but will catch on after a bit I am sure.

I am.. reading to little man for his nap

While he napped I brought in the legs for the table. As I was picking them up they started to wobble so I scrambled to keep them upright, feeling satisfied I picked them up only to have the drawer go smashing to the ground. On the way it the quad tire leaving a big black mark, UGH. I grabbed a wet rag and tried to remove, it was stubborn but eventually it did but with the mark came the finish and white paint! Did I ever mention my boss Martin is a huge shleprock? seems with him leaving his luck has taken up with me :-(

Britt and Sheldon enjoyed visiting and playing with Asher when they got home. His vocabulary is getting so much better.

Sheldon and I hauled in the table top and put it together.. success!! Everyone is liking it so that is a good thing. Britt is even asking when the vanity will be finished. I am waiting for further instructions from the paint creator but with my limited patience I may go ahead and work on it.

Amanda picked Asher up at 6 as I was putting supper together. After supper I could not stand it and had to go our and give the vanity a 3rd coat, this time I wet my brush in between paint to smooth it out, will see if that works, on the bleed thru areas I put on straight paint. I also elevated the vanity for ease on my back but mainly to keep Diego away from the legs :-)
Sadly there was no stool but the fellow gave us this old stool they used, The same day Britt broke the legs off our cream one, any ideas what to do or should I even bother?
 this is what I had in mind but where to find the fur??
Sheldon worked on dreaded taxes for a bit then watched yet another hockey game while on his tablet playing his addicted game.

In the end I am quite happy with my before and after project #1