Monday, July 22, 2024

Townhouse is SOLD!

I woke up with a headache that quickly led to nausea—a common reaction for me. S made coffee, but I passed on it and opted for a soak in the hot tub since it was only 20 degrees outside, and water tends to help. Afterward, I took a shower and some Gravol. S treated the hot tub after our soak, then he hopped into the swather to cut the north side of the hayfield, as the hay is drying out and there's no rain expected. My monthly paint parcel was delivered by courier.

My rest was beneficial. To distract myself, I watched a few episodes of McLeod's Daughters. It was unusual for me to lie in bed. Dave brought Cooper over and Uncle Jerry dropped off a trailer before heading to the city to visit a friend. The medication began to take effect by noon thankfully. S came in for a sandwich and veggies, while I settled for toast and reheated coffee. Afterwards, he went back to cutting hay, and I returned to accounting and marketing. I continued with the outdoor plant care, which might sound repetitive, but the heat necessitates doing it in stages, multiple times throughout the day.

S completed the hay cutting and then headed to Matt's for another job with SLiK Services. B requested that I remove Roo's mask, which I did, and also took the opportunity to hose down the horses. Switch, Bird, and Biebs immediately come over when they hear the hose; unfortunately, the other two miss out on this cooling down offer on yet another day of 32-degree heat but I did mist them both a bit. Once back inside the cool house, I busied myself cleaning in preparation for tomorrow morning's company. While vacuuming, S returned before 3:30 since Matt had gone into town for a part. He quickly leveled the trailer spot and then returned to Matt's. We received a call from the lawyers informing us that our check was ready; the rental condo is now officially sold and occupied. Looking back, it was a beneficial 18-year journey.

Uncle Jerry returned shortly after S left to pick up his trailer and departed soon after. I had just finished mopping the floors following the vacuuming when S returned at 4 PM. We hurried into town to collect our condo sale package and to deposit the check at the bank. At Dollarama, I picked up a few items, including a butterfly net for the cabbage moths. We planned to celebrate at Origins with beef brisket and drinks but then remembered they are closed on Mondays. So, we headed home where cold drinks and chili were waiting for us. The weather forecast now suggests possible rain on Thursday and Friday, but with temperatures reaching the high 30s tomorrow, the thinner swaths should dry quickly.

my new moth weapon

Dave was out at 6 while I was preparing vegetables for the next day. He and S rewired a new plug using the diagram S obtained from the trailer manufacturer. It appears that only half of the wires were correctly connected. There was a lot of sweating and swearing over something as straightforward as a proper wiring diagram, or perhaps if it hadn't been pulled apart either. :) Nonetheless, it was a success, and now it's ready. After feeding his mares, Dave departed. S returned the travel trailer to its place after I removed a few items, and then attached the dump trailer, prepping it for Wednesday.

Trying cayenne pepper on the kohlrabi AJ found as solution, and will for sure do more nasturtium pots next year.

We both were back outside - me weeding, watering and deadheading and S hosing the dump trailer with his new pressure washer parts that just were delivered. Britt and Dave were out at 7:30. They did horses feeding and cleaned out the shelter for the mares. I love this time of day as I mention so often but in the golden our at 27 degrees it is lovely. They were off in less than an hour. We finished up our tasks and came in for some Dragons and yogurt bowl. Turns out Tony was back to aggravate the cats. Just after we shut out the lights at midnight the catfight was underway. I put J in the barn but no Stella. Back to the house to fill their jug with water I continued to call Stella and only Tony came. So I caught him and put in our cat carrier for the night on the deck.

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