Saturday, July 20, 2024

Heat wave continues

God morning! <3

Our camping trip to Crawling Valley was set for tomorrow to rendezvous with the Stouts, but the weather forecast is intimidating with excessive heat. It doesn't make sense to reserve a campsite only to spend the day inside with the air conditioning, so we decided against it. Instead, I contacted the Coles, who have been wanting to do some skeet shooting since May, and asked them to come over on Tuesday. It will be warm, but fortunately, we have the option to cool off in our large, air-conditioned home as necessary.

S began the day by brewing coffee shortly after 8, then enjoyed a hearty bowl of porridge before heading to the rodeo work bee just after 8:30. The temperature was a cool 18 degrees at dawn, but it steadily rose as the morning progressed. I posted another entry on my camping blog and dealt with some oil-stained laundry. Despite laundering a pair of shorts four times with a degreaser, the stubborn hitch grease persisted, leading me to try a method using Dawn and baking soda. Following a change in plans, I cleared out the trailer's refrigerator. Britt, accompanied by her pets, embarked on a ride past 10. With the temperature now at 25 degrees, the brisk breeze should ensure a more enjoyable ride.

While Cooper was recuperating inside, I busied myself with household chores. After some marketing and accounting work, I went outdoors to deadhead the roses, as well as to rearrange and run the garden soaker hose. B finished her equine chores and departed at midday. For lunch, I had beets and a bologna sandwich, then watched some gardening videos on YouTube. Feeling inspired, I returned outside to prune the tomato plants and hunt for cabbage worms. To conclude, I watered the planters in the now 31-degree heat.

I went back inside to care for my indoor plants, which included repotting my money tree because one of the tubers had died. After viewing a YouTube tutorial, I notched the fiddle leaf figs and watered all the plants on the lower level. I positioned the freshly potted money tree in an area to receive less water. My manicure from two weeks ago has held up nicely, but with noticeable growth, I decided to redo them myself, and they turned out fabulous.

Cooling off at Edworthy park

Following that, I resumed updating my blog posts, ready to share numerous photos and videos. I also created a Hometalk post for the purple chairs as it has been a very long time since I was active on there and it is a great passive income source. Next up was working on the garden tutorial finishing up as Sheldon arrived home from his long volunteer work day before 6.

These are the Stampede's fancy new suites, announcer booth and patio bar

As he lounged in the big brown chair searching for a riverboat, I prepared a delightful supper. From my garden, I harvested an enormous green onion, along with fresh dill, basil, oregano, and what appeared to be mint, accompanied by cherry tomatoes. To this, I added cod and heaped everything atop spaghetti, sprinkled with aged cheese. It was truly delicious.

look at that onion!!

fresh oregano anyone?

We ventured out in the now cooler 29-degree weather to inspect the trees for worms. As expected, I found and squished eight, while S diligently sprayed them with the spray gun. Subsequently, S tackled the trailer connection issues. Meanwhile, I watered additional planters, continued deadheading, and weeded. Additionally, I installed the new front door sweep but needed S's assistance to saw off a small piece at the end.

Before Britt and Dave arrived, I brought more dandelions for the mares. They needed help with the foals, so I held Suzi while Dave worked on Baz's hooves. Afterward, he trimmed Lindy's hooves following a brief roundup to catch her. I also watered the small asparagus and onion plants near the garden shed.

S dealt with his trailer problems and consulted Dave, who had borrowed it to transport the quad and sprayer to his rental property, only to discover it had been pulled out and rewired. Together, they attempted to decipher the wiring schematics and resolve the malfunction.

Britt spotted the neighbor's cat, which had caused trouble on the fence the other night. I texted them, and Mark came to retrieve it from the mezzanine. His name is Tony. Sadly, they lost another fixed tuxedo cat this morning on the highway. B, D, and C departed around 11 while I was wrapping up today's blog post, and S was examining the wiring diagrams. We chose to watch an episode of 'House of Dragons' accompanied by a Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar before turning in at 1 AM.

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