Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Heat wave is back

Our morning began with an appraiser arriving at 9 to inspect the fireball. Meanwhile, I started the laundry and worked on yesterday's blog post (if you have read already go back as I added 2 new videos), which includes a few photos and videos. Once he left, we packed up recyclables and headed into town. The temperature rose from 14 to 27 degrees. Our first stop was the dump to dispose of garbage and non-personal paper boxes, which, for some reason, didn't go to recycling. Next, we dropped off recyclables and items at the 'take it or leave it' section. S visited UFA while I went across the street to take advantage of the $10 Wednesday fill a growler special at Origin. And yes, they do fill it with iced tea. ;)

naked pony rider - remind you of any one famous?

We loaded new grader blades at Conterra before heading to Peavy for additional parts and some innovative fly sticks that S assures will tackle the garage fly issue. I dropped off jars, wrapping paper, and boxes at a friend's place, where I also collected a charming wooden box and egg cartons for Matt. The final errand was to pick up a FedEx parcel before zooming home.

She is so brave at the water park

and starting to enjoy swinging

S proposed going out for lunch, but since we had brisket at home, we decided against it. He made a sandwich that was, according to him, exceptional, especially when accompanied by the potato hooked up the trailer and positioned it in front of the house to start loading. Meanwhile, I recorded a quick unboxing video of my new rug to post online. Later, S took a nap in the big brown chair during the mid-afternoon heat of 29 degrees. We spent the afternoon indoors, enjoying the air conditioning as temperatures soared above 30 degrees.

washable and non slip, perfect! I was approached to receive it in exchange for a review and give it 2 thumbs up

After a hearty brisket lunch, I delayed preparing dinner. S was content until 5:30, when he decided to whip up some corn on the cob for an appetizer, and man it was delicious. We were finishing up just as Britt returned from the city. After applying Switch's leg medication, S and I set off for town with the trailer before 7:30. We crossed paths with Sharon, who was on her way to join Britt for a ride. 

At the campground, we located our new spot, #111, and finished setting up. A Hutterite volunteer came by to pickup 7 passes for his crew. Unable to locate the man lift S wanted to inspect, we returned to our trailer for a drink before visiting our neighbor, Lorne. Later, we headed back to the ranch, picking up an art easel en route, and arrived home around 9:30.

If anyone was playing ball this weekend we have a great spot :)

I was occupied with preparing a GF meal of honey lime glazed chicken breasts with veggies and quinoa, while he hooked up the small trailer and loaded his ranger. It was an a most delicious meal, but it was crazy to be eating at 10:40 at night. It was then to bed where we started a new show but S was asleep in no time so I watched some more MacLeod's Daughters finishing season 6. Only 2 more season to go :)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Another beauty night at the ranch

Another typical day with temperatures climbing. Dave was out early at 9, quickly fed, and soon after, a hockey buddy of S's arrived to borrow the dump trailer for moving his bales. The fancy bale picker came by and collected 10 large round bales for Dave. I prepared a bison brisket in the slow cooker with fresh herbs for dinner. As I readied it and wrapped up Sunday's blog post, S vacuumed the house and emptied the dirt container.

Good morning <3

Dave took this photo of the 2 rascals

video instructions

We enjoyed some leftover lunch before I went out to water the plants, while S chatted with the insurance guy and rodeo workers. Later, I went to apply derma gel on Switch and discovered the wire had been snapped again, and a rail was down. Fortunately, there were no casualties this time, thankfully. The handy electrician, S, came over to fix it just as the FedEx guy delivered the GoodFood box we hadn't ordered. Looking towards town, I saw a massive plume of thick black smoke and then heard sirens from Carseland. Apparently, there was an accident involving a small car and a semi-truck hauling peppers at the intersection of Highway #1 and 817.

besties on a hot day

The fence was mended as the water trough filled. Despite the cooler temperature at 25 degrees, the grass continues to dry out. I sprayed the two girls who waited patiently. Today, I cleared the garden of a dozen cabbage moths using my trusty net. Then, I took a break on the deck for refreshments before S went to sort the boxes that needed burning, and I swept the north side of the garage after rearranging furniture. S lowered the fireball down and took onto the grass for a rinse, in preparation for tomorrow morning's appraisal. I harvested an entire hill of our new favorite fingerling potatoes after shifting the soaker hose and watering the garden.

This is one of the 2 herb pots I have on the go. Each has 3 herbs and were a fundraiser for the library if you remember. I highly suggest having one as they add so much flavour to your summer meals.

Other garden harvested produce

Nathan sent this of little miss independent out for a walk <3

The hockey friend returned with the trailer, bringing a case of beer and replacing three marker lights on the trailer as a trade for borrowing it. The two decided to sit back and enjoy a few beers. Meanwhile, I came in to clean the vegetables and prepare for supper, including some for Britt. I also watered the indoor plants. Supper was underway as the friend left after 6. The frozen bison brisket, cooked on a high setting in the slow cooker for 7 and a half hours, turned out to be so tender - a note for future reference.

I used the extra cooked potatoes and created a tasty new potato salad. Britt and Dave were out on another night of splendid weather. B took care of her feeding duties while Dave spent time with the babies. I chatted with him for a while as S ignited the firepit, burning old taxes and documents. The townies departed, and we carried on with the purge. It's evenings like these that justify enduring the cold winters here! Among the boxes, we found Sheldon's treasures from grades 1 and 2, clearly inheriting his mom's artistic talent early on. ;)

Baz has the zooms, I only caught the end of it

the pied piper and his herd

Everything was neatly tidied and closed up; I washed all the pots and pans while S pressurized the RO tank. The days are getting darker earlier, which is disheartening to witness. A soak in the hot tub was enjoyed before settling down in bed. We started the latest House of Dragons but I was tuckered tonight and called it.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Smoky warm 27 day

The prospect of a smoky day ahead makes the thought of forgoing our camping days more bearable, especially with the ban on campfires. S headed into town to the rodeo office to organize his volunteers and other matters. Meanwhile, I focused on tutorials, blogging, marketing, as well as tackling accounting and food box issues. S returned after noon, bringing Opa along for lunch.

I wrote a Hometalk post for the pottery barn table while S went back to town to play hockey. I headed out and spent the afternoon weeding, watering and deadheading. Even though it was 27 bout the smoke gave a cover. The sun did peek out for a short bit when S arrived home from town again before 5 as I was moving water to the asparagus plants.

Renn feeding her baby and watching the tube ;)

seeing these 2 will be leaving soon I went out to snap a few updated photos

He was busy changing sections on the swather while I enjoyed my "coffee break" catching up with Instagram and a cold drink on the deck. I brought him one too, to stay hydrated. Harley was due for a good brushing, but J cut in line, shedding a lot of hair in the process. After wrapping up my tasks, I came inside for leftover burgers for dinner. The prince arrived just before 7 to dine. Post-dinner, I applied Derma Gel on Switch, while Dave and Britt were out with the horses, though they were heading home soon.

S returned to the swather repair work, and I was back to tending to the garden and plants. Afterwards, I enjoyed a soak in the hot tub, showered, and relaxed in bed watching "McLeod's Daughters" while redoing my nails in purple. Once S completed his tasks, he also had a soak, showered, and settled in big brown to work on contacting his volunteer list.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Beauty campfire

S headed to church following our routine morning, as I watered the front pots in my housecoat. I caught up on the blog and marketing while having a bowl of yogurt. Britt was out and asked for my assistance to round up the mares for their veterinary appointment. Darren and Sharon came to trim Timba's hooves. D acted as the gatekeeper, herding the pairs into the barn stalls after an unsuccessful attempt to lead them all in at once. Once secured in the stalls, I filed Cash's front hooves while B scratched her.

Have you ever seen a foal ultrasound?

Dr. Ashley arrived to perform viability ultrasounds on both mares and check on the foals. The herd is doing well. S returned from church before 1 PM, had his usual post-church snack and visit, then picked up some groceries and beer. He stepped out to observe the vet's visit and then went inside to cook smokies for lunch. I released the mares into the paddock and joined him for lunch. Britt and Ashley had a visit outside until she left just before 2 PM. I staged a few pictures of the newest table.

I made my way to the far paddock to retrieve Switch. Britt had delivered hay to the central paddock, where I washed her leg and provided both Switch and Bird with a refreshing hose down. B applied the derma gel, and we've decided to leave the wounds exposed. Thankfully, the healing process is going well. As the temperature climbed to 25 degrees, I turned my attention to tending the garden. B went back home to relax with some TV and plans to return later.

S and I, along with Harley, set out to find some new bottle trees. To our surprise, we discovered two just less than a mile away, as the crow flies. We cut them to size, loaded them up, and brought them back to the ranch. Later, we took Harley for a walk by the river. Since it was Sunday, most sites were empty, though there were day users and some campers around. We found a peaceful spot under the bridge where Harley could go off-leash and cool off, as the river was quite high and it was the only accessible spot on this side.

At home, we barbecued burgers on cheese buns accompanied by fries and salad, creating the ideal summer meal. I invited Stouts over for a campfire, so we cleaned the plastic Adirondack chairs and started a fire. It was a gorgeous night, still and with perfect temperatures. Britt was back out to ride, and Dave came by later. He stopped by the fire for a chat while Britt headed home. Although we couldn't go camping, it was lovely to have a campfire and use our pit. Stouts left at 10:30, and we went inside to finish watching Roadhouse. I dozed off and missed the ending, but the big guy filled me in with the highlights.