Sunday, July 28, 2024

Beauty campfire

S headed to church following our routine morning, as I watered the front pots in my housecoat. I caught up on the blog and marketing while having a bowl of yogurt. Britt was out and asked for my assistance to round up the mares for their veterinary appointment. Darren and Sharon came to trim Timba's hooves. D acted as the gatekeeper, herding the pairs into the barn stalls after an unsuccessful attempt to lead them all in at once. Once secured in the stalls, I filed Cash's front hooves while B scratched her.

Have you ever seen a foal ultrasound?

Dr. Ashley arrived to perform viability ultrasounds on both mares and check on the foals. The herd is doing well. S returned from church before 1 PM, had his usual post-church snack and visit, then picked up some groceries and beer. He stepped out to observe the vet's visit and then went inside to cook smokies for lunch. I released the mares into the paddock and joined him for lunch. Britt and Ashley had a visit outside until she left just before 2 PM. I staged a few pictures of the newest table.

I made my way to the far paddock to retrieve Switch. Britt had delivered hay to the central paddock, where I washed her leg and provided both Switch and Bird with a refreshing hose down. B applied the derma gel, and we've decided to leave the wounds exposed. Thankfully, the healing process is going well. As the temperature climbed to 25 degrees, I turned my attention to tending the garden. B went back home to relax with some TV and plans to return later.

S and I, along with Harley, set out to find some new bottle trees. To our surprise, we discovered two just less than a mile away, as the crow flies. We cut them to size, loaded them up, and brought them back to the ranch. Later, we took Harley for a walk by the river. Since it was Sunday, most sites were empty, though there were day users and some campers around. We found a peaceful spot under the bridge where Harley could go off-leash and cool off, as the river was quite high and it was the only accessible spot on this side.

At home, we barbecued burgers on cheese buns accompanied by fries and salad, creating the ideal summer meal. I invited Stouts over for a campfire, so we cleaned the plastic Adirondack chairs and started a fire. It was a gorgeous night, still and with perfect temperatures. Britt was back out to ride, and Dave came by later. He stopped by the fire for a chat while Britt headed home. Although we couldn't go camping, it was lovely to have a campfire and use our pit. Stouts left at 10:30, and we went inside to finish watching Roadhouse. I dozed off and missed the ending, but the big guy filled me in with the highlights.

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