Thursday, November 30, 2023

Ruler complete

Another day on the ranch starting with dogs fed and coffee. I was back to getting my new computer set up and doing accounting in the old one. I spent 2 hours on the phone with Apple to get things sorted and learn some new things. S had his morning zoom class. He then was on the phone with Craig. He ate while on the phone too. At 12:30 he zipped off to town for his bloodwork appt and shinny.

I continued learning about the iMac. I found programs to compress and watermark photos. Again I chatted with Apple support for more questions. 2 out of 3 agents said I could not get my photos directly off my iPhone as a hard drive without paying for iCloud But I persisted and found another one that gave me the perfect answers. Not all agents are as knowledgeable as others. The ruler had another clear coat put on the front.

The dogs were needed some exercise so I headed out. Holy cow it is cold out compared to last few weeks. Luckily I had a hat on my hoodie. The dogs loved it though. Back at the house I did a poop scoop loop and played a bit of ball with the dogs. I brought the ruler in to snap a few photos for Tami. 

S was back from his town with mail and a parcel. I tried on the shoes and may have a winner. S cracked a cold beer. Chili was made for super. B arrived as we were eating to join us. She fed and was off with Coop. The Flames were on the ice entertaining S. I researched Apple Watches after setting up my new Fitbit sense warranty watch. Crap, the old one would not work for S to try. Which is crazy how they can track every watch. There was a new credit card in mail for Shaina. I remembered Shaina had needed my credit card a few weeks back while waiting for it. The amount turned out to be the exact amount I had called into question with credit card! OMG… and they even asked if any family members had our info. Guess a new number never hurts to change on all the sites and prepaid bills ;)

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Dual computers

Last Wednesday in November was a drab kind of day. I spent allot of it setting up the new Mac computer. There are a few differences but most things translated pretty easily. There are a couple things I had to research and learn. Currently I have dueling computers on my desk. I may have to keep the PC to run our accounting and picture compress/watermarking ;( S ran a bag of furry bones out of sight for the coyotes. 

Look who was back at her workout spot this morning

Britt arrived before noon. She and S had pizza I had peanut butter honey toast as a late breakfast. B brought a pile of laundry to do all day. She also charged this fancy horse blanket. She ran to town for some groceries. She brought us back a tea!! Thanks B!! Harleys raw food was delivered for next 3 weeks. Seeing we were having liver for supper B cooked her own supper. She was then off to give each horse a 5 minute treatment. I clear coated the back of the ruler.

Supper was tasty. The liver was sliced nice and thin at the butcher so cooked up well. S made perogies to go along with it and I made the tasty apple spinach salad. B was off with her cat, dog, clean laundry and groceries. S watched sports as per usual. I flipped the ruler and clear coated the front side. We went out for a hot tub then back to sports for S and I finished yesterdays blog and posted. Another relax in bed with me watching McLeod's daughters and headphones till S fell asleep.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

New iMac computer arrives

Cooper was dropped off late again today which put B a bit late for work. After feeding them it was coffee time. The table and desk were confirmed as sold and planning pick up the w/e we are gone with B being the middle man. While S had his zoom exercise class I worked on the custom ruler. UGH the white paint pen was acting up. But I persisted and got smarter than the board and turned it around.

We finished up the brisket for lunch. It got better as it sat. I finished up the ruler after lunch. The numbers were all hand painted and the name added. Now to let it dry well before sealing. It was then on to packing suitcases. I helped S too which led to closet cleaning :)

Seeing it as beauty plus 7 sun it we took the dogs for a long walk. We had a cold drink back on the deck. What gorgeous weather we are having but man do we need moisture. Inside for some snacks. I was feeding the dogs when the UPS driver arrived with my new computer, our new credit card and a huge box for Dave. We found out the box held a very pricey horse blanket. $6000 on sale! It is like a cell stimulator.

Har tried to bring her leg along on the walk too

Kaylin cratered and put Renn in her jolly jumper. Excited seems understated.

I started the computer set up. Sheldon cooked supper all by himself. Grilled pickerel, rice and a bagged salad. It was very tasty. THANKS for cooking S! Old google accounts are being deleted says the news. I looked into all my old ones. This led me to finding year 1 and year 2 of the blog. These 2 blogs were a blogging learning curve. Pictures were small but loaded in full size which is why it used the photo amount so quickly. Some were sideways. I hope I have improved over the last 10 years which fits in the current blog to date. After computer work, it was relaxing in bed. S watching hockey and I some McLeod's daughter's. S went out for a hot tub at 11.

Monday, November 27, 2023

Spectacular skies

Dave dropped Cooper off today at 7:30. I fed dogs before delivering hot coffee to the prince in bed. I phoned the credit card company to dispute the charge. It took over an hour and a half to get thru. While doing so I updated the blog, sorted and deleted photos, worked on tutorials and posts so at least it was productive time spent. Once they answered it took 5 minutes. They cancelled our card and are sending a new one. No cyber day shopping for me!

                                        numbers like a ruler or straight to the world?

S spent morning catching up on news. He was off to town after 11 for shinny. I continued on changing accounts that have the old efirehose emails. This took while. I also cleaned my desk off!! Whoot whoot! The ruler was brought in and the numbers laid out to show Tami. While waiting for her reply I went to print out her family words. I put in the new ink cartridge but it would not work. Trouble shooting with no luck.

Another couple calls extending over an hour only to find the printer will NOT work with generic cartridges. It did print the words using colored ink. Now to order a HP one or return this dang printer. S was home at 2 picking up a few groceries and a parcel. This was a new watchband for my replacement Fitbit. Turns out they were mans sized. Another return. Tami replied and we sorted out where she wanted the words. S made a big taco salad for late lunch.

on our walk we saw 3 tracks to the wells.. WTH?

It was 4 and the sun was going down. S and I took the dogs for a loop. Sharon was out to see Timba as we got back to the house. Dogs fed, beet pulp made while S fed cats. We met inside for happy hour cocktail. I made S a fancy Caesar with his new dill pickle vodka. 

Supper was this delicious apple spinach salad followed by left over brisket, yummy. We fit a hot tub in after. Full moon was eerie with clouds misting over. B arrived for supper, horse fed and headed off. I researched a new hotel for the last part of our PS trip. The hotel booked is a ways from DT and the house offered us a few extra days at a great price. I searched hotels while S watched his Flames win laying in our comfy bed.

Our skies are spectacular

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Another ruler underway

Family Christmas photo shoot yesterday behind the scenes pics.

I served coffee in bed before S was off to church. I then worked on downloading photos and videos to yesterdays blog post. Writing out a note for Harley care and ordering her food for next 3 weeks was checked off too.

S submitted this picture he found of Finland after a snowstorm. Cool!

I was sanding the new ruler board when S arrived home from church before 11:30. I had him video the back side trial staining. Tami loved it so left it to dry while we ate lunch. She ordered it for Callahan AKA Cal who is a few days younger then Renn. The last borscht soup was enjoyed. Thanks Ma K! XOXO B arrived and made a bologna sandwich. I worked on accounting. I found a charge on credit that was not ours. Crap! B helped S with back shave as I flipped the board over and stained the front side.

B was off to trim horse feet. S back to football game. And I to try and get this charge sorted out. I moved on to packing Harley's stuff to go to Sharon's. B was back to nap on the couch. I took a beef brisket out to try in the instant pot today. I mixed up the rub and S rubbed it in. While it marinated Harley and I went in to meet Sharon for a walk and check out her house. Sharon has kindly offered to look after Harley while we are gone. She was concerned that there could be a storm that blocks in our gate and the gal lined up to come to feed her twice a day might not be able to get to her. Good point as this has happened.

Nathan restringing the guitar

Harley enjoyed her walk and visit. And I am sure she will be spoiled with Sharon's attention. We had a short visit and a beer before loading up and heading back to the ranch. S fed her while I prepped the sauce for the instant pot and got the brisket in. B and Coop took off to meet Dave who was coming for a visit. While the roast cooked S and I went for a hot tub. The wind from earlier was gone and the moon was almost full. What a beauty night out. Back inside the veggies were cooked and the brisket finished. It was soooo tender and saucy like S likes it. We wrapped up the night with a movie. My Secret Billionaire. Ok story line but low budget film. Next we started a series called Godless. It is quite the western. I did get tired after an hour so we shut it down.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Renn has found her voice

B dropped Cooper off at 8. Here we thought it might be a sleep in day. Nope :) She was off to a client seminar. I asked and she has put 2000 Km on to date. I fed them while S made coffee. I had an offer for the desk and dining table last night as we left for the concert. I replied I would take the offer if they dont sell at the sale prices individually by Monday. I started loading videos from the concert last night on the blog. The darn wind picked up. The stools were called from the black Friday sale too! I loaded them in a jenga fashion in the car. We will meet lady after lunch in Calgary.

S sorted cards looking for something. To his surprise he found $315 in a fathers day card!!! This was a funny card no one remembers why it was sent.

Some good old pics

I see Renn in these baby pics

S spent the morning tuning his 2 guitars. Nathan would like to borrow one for a bit and get back into playing. While tuning this George Canyon autographed one a string snapped. Oops. He also found his guitar had a chunk pushed into the side. Someone knows what happened but may remain a mystery. I sorted photos and some cute small clothes and runners out of the girls baby clothes box. I was trying to find the shopping cart seat.

We hit the trail west at 1. We were to meet the stool buyer at 2. We had time to grab hot tub products then meet then at home depot. S ran in to get me a board for a ruler order. The city is BUSY. Next we tried to get to a nearby car wash but the one ways and such had us change our mind once there. They have the swirling brushes. Off to get our Renn snuggles. And visit Kaylin and Nathan. Nate played a bit on the borrowed guitar even with a missing string. Hope he gets back into playing as he is good. Renn continues to grow quickly. This week she found her voice. That and really good fine motor skills. She saw my cross and had it in her hand in short order.

the many faces of Renny

this baby can dance!

dog trainer in training

this little girls got moves

Beans is patient with her, then she finds her thumb and the furry carpet, squirrel

We treated ourselves to The Keg for supper. On route home we went thru town to wash the car and fill with fuel. Harley never even greeted us sleeping on her bed. Britt had fed her after her seminar, thanks B! I worked on marketing while S watched his Flames. I joined him watching from bed and cleaned up my phone's memory.