Sunday, October 15, 2023

So many tasks checked off the list

S made a ham cheese omelet with some coaching by me. He was off to church and I to catch up the blog. Accounting and photo purging to make room on the computer again. Plant care then out to the garage to sand chair more and prime the wooden beads 2 coats.

S was back at 11:30 for a bowl of soup. B stopped to have her lunch too. S changed clothes and we headed outside. S fixed the 2 metal stakes while I filled the quad tires after a instructional lesson. The last small piece of snow fence was pounded in.

The new gate was hung at the far paddock. We then adjusted a couple more on our way back that have sagged a bit.

I checked on Britt to find her sleeping. Our next project was to cut the wood S picked up the other day into lengths. He was the chain saw guy and I was the jenga stacker. Our great team work had it done smoothly. Time for a cold beer on the deck. It is 19 out this afternoon and sunny!!

The dogs were fed. S had the furniture down loaded in the dump trailer. We lifted the couch onto the quad to move. I drove it to shop and he backed the trailer up. All the pieces were safely stowed up in the mez for the winter.

The wood chunks cut off with nails or screws were loaded in the wheelbarrow and I took to the fire pit. S unhooked the dump trailer after moving the wood stack to the storage area. B was finally awake after her 4 hour nap. Unfortunately she says she does not feel well. She did go feed Bird. A fire was started with said wood chunks. Supper was cooked over the fire. Japanese hot dogs from Costco, tasty for sure.

 Britt and Cooper headed off after eating. We enjoyed the beautiful windless evening. It was the perfect day for a campfire. It did cool off quick once the sun went down. The wheelbarrow was emptied, success. Once the fire died down we moved to the hot tub to star gaze before heading to bed.

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