Thursday, October 12, 2023

1" rain in total

Ground hogs day here again. Cooper dropped off, coffee in bed then on with the day. While S had a financial zoom meeting at 9 for almost 2 hours I wrote my fundraiser floral tray tutorial. We both finished up just before he was off to his 11 am zoom exercise class. I then had to share and post this. Bids are starting to roll in thankfully. I also did Har's beef broth tubs and put another batch on to slow cook overnight.

We had turkey soup for lunch. Again S needed a rest after his bowls to watch the news from reclining position ;) I continued marketing and photo sorting. I also buried our used tissue bag and compost tubs in the garden. The sun was out briefly while I did and it felt nice. Even if only 10 degrees out. S loaded up trash and hockey gear and was off before 1:30 for shinny. He sure has a busy Thursday. He checked rain gauge just before left and found another 3/10ths, that made for a full inch of rain!!

I threw laundry in then headed out to take Bird's rain sheet off as requested by B. It was lovely weather to walk the dogs now. Back in the garage I swept the stairs and floor seeing the car was gone. Then it was on to power sanding the high chair 180 grit. A Hometalk post was created for the teal custom cabinet.

Sheldon was back home from shinny around 5:30. He had stopped after at McDonald's for a coffee with one of the other guys. I was prepping one of the HF meals delivered Tuesday. It was a tasty beef rice bowl. B was late today not arriving till 6:30 so hers had to be heated up. Our hot tub was in almost complete darkness. The forecast fog was starting to roll in. And without a yard light or stars it was BLACK! I finished my Indigenous plant book and started a new one - The 5 Star Weekend. S read his book for a bit as well.

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