Friday, October 20, 2023

S to the Valley

S was up making coffee and packing a lunch at 5:30 am ish. He as off to Acadia Valley to build a gate corner support. He also has a plan to paint ball mark the bison needing to be slaughtered next week. 

Sweetest face to start your day

B dropped off Coop who quickly jumped into bed with Clover and I

I got up early doing computer work with a coffee. Including more time on the phone this time cancelling an ink program for our printer. What a waste. They send cartridges as they deplete but if you cancel the program you cannot continue to use the program cartridges.

Then I headed out to stencil the high chair back. I love my choice. The stencil and brushes were washed up in the bathtub. This is the best way.

A made a tuna sandwich for lunch. Thanks to S for leaving some he mixed up for his packed lunch. It was beauty sunny out but breezy. The 3 dogs needed a good walk. We did the entire perimeter tuckering them out.

We started as 4 but Cooper had his own hike ideas and soon ventured off on his own.

The other 2 personal guard dogs always stick close.

But by the last bet Coop rejoined the pack.

Now back to my high chair. The cross bars were painted with an artist brush. More sanding on the legs, then all the rest of the parts. The top was glued to the legs and pounded into place. The beads were painted too.

Now to sort the bags and boxes of stuff for charity B had in my car and in basement. I boxed it all up and took some out for Ada to try. The homeless mission we gave loads to earlier this year would love the stuff. I then went thru the travel mug drawer and sorted out a pile to give them. They give them out with hot coffee and can keep to return and fill as needed. Fabulous idea. I collected some out of the trailer too and brought in the booze left out there.

For supper I made a pot of potato soup. B arrived after 6, fed her horse then joined me for a bowl. S arrived back before 7. He stopped at an ag society farewell party on his way home from the Valley. B and Cooper set off. We both saw a shooting star in our hot tub soak tonight. I read and S watched sports in bed while perusing the net.

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