Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Rain day!!

I awoke to the sound of sweet rain after 7. I laid there listening to it thankful for it coming down. B dropped off Cooper quietly. S awoke and made coffee. He had his porridge and was off to see wood a neighbor has offered him. He also stopped and put the part in Matt's equipment. I updated many Etsy ads then wrote a tutorial for the spring flower art frame. I also thru the turkey bones on to make soup.

S was back around 11:30 as I was posting and sharing the tutorial. Accounting was next for me. We had leftover lunch. This no cooking is a bonus ;) I got back to Etsy and made an ad for the flowers in frame. S relaxed on the couch as the rain drizzled off and on. I wrote a Hometalk post for the black mirror

We got word today Dad is being moved to Oyen next week. This is sad not having him close to help with meals, visit and bring to family get togethers. I really hope he gets to go to the farm often as that is his biggest wish in life. So if that happens allot it will be worth the move.

S went out at 4 to change the oil in Sadie. He checked rain gauge and so far 7/10ths!!! Mom stopped to visit on her way to a meeting. She was off to Carseland for the meeting after an hour. While we visited I picked meat off turkey bones, prepped fresh veggies and make the soup. Perfect comfort food on a rainy day. B got a bowl as we were finishing up. She fed her horse then she and Cooper were off. Today is Dave's birthday. Cheers! 

Flames season opener game tonight so we skipped hot tub and watched the game from the comfort of our king size bed. I may have entertained myself with some brain games too.

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