Thursday, July 13, 2023

Smoky days

Harley was up early to go out then to the garage. The sky was smoke hazed and dreary looking. I fell back asleep not waking till 8:30. Mom had packed up and headed in to Dad's. We got our coffee going and I started laundry. Next on to marketing and accounting. Last night's chicken carcass was put on to simmer for soup supper. S started lawn mowing.

I prepped and stained the custom ordered ruler. The gal needs it ASAP as moving and she has all measurements on her wall to transfer. S and I ran to town in the merc. He dropped me at Sagewood for our 2 pm family meeting. He ran and got a truck oil filter. Popped up to see Dad but was still sleeping after the meeting. S picked me up and we grabbed an ice coffee and sundae at McDonald's on out way home. A medium sundae is only $2 compared to DQ's $5.

Back at the ranch it was back to chores. Laundry and vacuuming, S cut screws for my dresser hardware. I got it put together and will list ASAP. I finished the soup for our supper. Home made soup is also so yummy. I headed out with carrot peels for horses. This led to dandelion pulling for them then full on weeding. S finished the last of the mowing then sprayed weeds. I moved a peony in hopes the rains come.

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