Monday, July 24, 2023

Hot camping day

H shook her head at 5:30. This is her usual sign before scratching to go out. However today she continued to shake her head. I checked her ears and seems the left is a bit infected. I cleaned them out an added meds. It is 18 out at 5:30 am! Gonna be a hot one.

Jay loaded himself to go along too

It was 20 when I fed her and call the vet for more meds at 8:30. We wanted to beat the heat driving. Last minute packing and loading, cats fed and watered and we were on our way. Fuel and a stop at vet clinic to grab meds. Harley was weighed. She is only 53.8 now which is 118 pounds. Seems her diet really worked. I think I will increase her to maintenance amounts now.

We arrived at Keiver's Lake campground in just over an hour. This was taking some gravel and a cow trail too. We checked in but sites were not mowed. Luckily the lot S had booked was able to be switched to 2 over. It had a big tree and shade which will b3 needed. We got camp all set up and relaxed in the shade. Benbow’s arrived after 1. We had a great visit, cocktails and learned a new board game in the shade. It hit 32 degrees. Back home it hit 34.3 With 39 high in Hat. Holy hot.

We had a pot luck supper with Randy’s moose sausage, my Mac salad, veggies and dark mint chocolate for dessert. More games including a fun axe throwing one, visiting and a campfire rounded out our night. Girls headed to bed at 1130 with boys about hour later. 

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