Monday, July 10, 2023

Off in 2 directions

I woke at 7:30 so perused the IG for a bit. I had a brain wave to ask Mom if she might tend to Harley while I go help Kaylin and Renn for a couple days. We chatted with a plan. Coffee and last minute groceries loaded and S was off after 9 heading east to the Valley. I took H for a walk seeing it is going to get hotter today and only 20 now. I then worked on the dresser. I painted the drawers the base color solid but was not a fan. 

The top was clear coated. I repainted the drawer fronts and front edges a darker grey blue and like it better but not sure I like the textured look. However at this point I feel like I am done.

After last of the pizza I hauled it in to stage a few pictures. It is 28 out now at noon. I prepped Harley's food for a few more days. Set up her kennel I took out of the trailer. It is supposed to rain for the next few days. Here's hoping. I then packed up for my Renn time. After feeding cats & H I set off west for the city.

I hit rain on the east side of the city. But it was sunny on west. A stop at Home Depot for ruler wood was unsuccessful. Little miss Renn continues to steadily grow. Her snuggles are the best. K was off to physio for her foot again. Once back, we enjoyed a supper of AV sausage, pasta and a salad cooked by Kaylin. The evening was enjoyed snuggling our little bird and watching Netflix shows

sunshine and rain

look at her little hands

She is growing fast and these pictures make her look much bigger then she is

In person she is still a wee little pixie under 10 pounds

Mom made it out to let Har out as it began to rain. She stayed at our place for the next 3 nights. Thanks for feeding Harley and letting her out Mom.

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