Friday, July 21, 2023

Angel gets a new look & Craig is 40


Today was angel makeover day for me. She was painted a coat of coffee bean brown. After that coat dried which was fast as it is a warm day - 28, a coat of bronze. I forgot Har's toenails on spa day so they were done today. 

After lunch the second coat of bronze went on. While it is wet is when the patina reactive spray is applied. This is the magic step. Once complete she is left to react. S had a zoom meeting at 3. It last an hour and half. I worked on tutorials. I put bones on for H's broth in the garage.

We ran to town after the meeting ended but all gates were locked up at rodeo grounds. Library books were picked up. S dropped me to get groceries while he grabbed Vietnamese for supper. After supper we loaded H in the merc and drove to the river. This time we walked the canal for couple kms. Then we toured the campground. It was a lovely evening for sure. Back home, I did some touch ups on the angel. We actually watched almost an entire Fubar. However the trick was while we were sitting at the island eating a snack. It was finished in bed where S fell asleep soon after it ended.

Friday, Sharon popped out at 10 to beat the heat. She brought me an iced coffee too, THANK YOU. I was watering my garden and pots. She worked with Zelos while I picked weeds and trimmed roses. She and I then picked 2 wagon loads of poop from the pen. S washed the tractor and dump trailer. He also did some shop tidying. He met us on the deck for a cold beer. 

Sharon headed home and us in for lunch. S had his after dinner nap. I put brownies in the oven to take to Paetz's tonight. THANK God for A/C :) I put a clear coat on the angel. It is 28 out but it seems the slow cooker I put bones on for broth last night have heated the garage to about 35. S took the skid steer to the pit to groom the weeds growing. Temperatures hit 31 and will be hot for at least 4 more days!

A second coat went on and I think she is done. Now to feed H and get ready to run to town.

As I got ready S jumped in the shower. Our first stop was to get passport photos taken. Yep it has been 10 years already. Oil and mouse bait was sourced too. It was then off to Paetz's. We delivered their compost ball back and a ball rebounder Britt gave to the kids. Craig was smoking a delicious roast to celebrate his 40th birthday which was July 9th!! It was an amazing meal and a great catch up visit. THANKS guys!! XOXO Mom arrived as we were leaving after 9:30. 

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