Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Hockey starts as does baling & new projects

The 19 degree day was spent sorting items to purge, replanting indoor plants, weeding, gardening, broth/food in containers and cleaning. S spent over 4 hours on hold trying to get thru to RV company for new fridge handle. While doing so he sat in the ranger shooting gophers.

After lunch he prepped the baler to go and wrapped up one bale. I scooped a load of poop out of the paddocks. There is lots more to get. The jewelry box had a coat of black painted on. A mirror was also prepped to paint. Harley got a walk as S toured for more gophers. 

The bedroom suite was picked up after supper. The pieces were loaded in two vehicles and on their way down the road. The area under the fireball was cleared. Once he backed it out he was off to hockey. Yep on July 4th. I got working on marketing and blog while watching more Titanic. Rain arrived at 9. WHY NOW!!!! Once S was back around 10 we watched another Arnold episode before lights out.

BUSY Wednesday! I made coffee and got to marketing. Once S was up and had a coffee he loaded recyclables. He was off to town to have rodeo meeting, drop recyclables and grab a milk. I got busy vacuuming out & painting the jewelry box a second coat. The mirror got a first coat. 

Back before noon S brought Edo for an early lunch. S decided to keep fireball out so lifted the hoist. I got everything swept out and put back under it. He was then off to bale. 21 were rolled up today. I put another coat on the mirror. 

The latest dresser was started. This one will be a challenge. It is dirty and needs so many repairs. But the challenge is on seeing it is small. I had a plan to strip and keep the top and drawer fronts wood. The sides I thought warm white with fun soft florals. However after scrubbed there was lots of scratches and dings. Time to pivot on the plan. Luckily I keep many odd pieces so had things it was missing. I went and cut a piece of wood as Sharon started her horse lesson at 3:30.

I took a break when she was done and we had a cold beer on the deck. It was  beauty day with no wind or bugs. S finished his round bales and joined us. When Sharon left he hooked up the square baler. I put supper in the instant pot. Then it was back to the dresser. The drawer fronts were stipple painted a soft blue green. The sides a bit of the color too. The dresser was flipped and the other corner glued in. All was left to dry.

Turns out the square baler was not knotting. Time to eat and watch YouTube to find an answer. I scrubbed up the pots and pans and wrote todays blog. We wrapped up the day finishing the last episode of Arnold.

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